Men Misleading Men: Why Muscles Matter

3 years ago

00:00 Intro
1:25 "You have to look like a badass in order to be a badass"
2:23 Muscles and self confidence
3:57 "The day I will look strong things will fall into place"
6:19 Do women focus on muscles?
8:10 Muscles vs. Strength
9:09 Looking good, feeling good
11:08 Men wearing makeup
11:50 Muscles will attract females, give you status?
14:22 Who's paying attention to men's muscles?
15:23 WannaBeSuperHero
16:28 Veiny
17:11 Just because you LOOK strong doesn't mean you are STRONG
18:00 Fat
20:18 Will people respect you just because you have muscles?
22:20 Outro

original video

I'm making it double clear that I have nothing against the person in the video, but rather the information he's put out there.
Obviously my opinion is limited within my awareness and life experience, so feel free to bring back arguments that will serve both you and me, as well as the community that will read the comment section.
Don't bother to comment if you don't have anything worth saying.

It's up to you what you make out of my thoughts.

I realise that the analogy between women's makeup and men's muscle is not exactly a good example.
Without the question that muscle matters more than makeup, or rather said muscle matters.
You'll probably get my point, if not feel free to ask, I'll do my best to clarify :)

Like always, thank you for taking the time to listen to my thoughts and for your support.

Before you get triggered,
please bear in mind that this video is not to mock anyone's looks, body fat percentage, nor do I state that I'm better.

The purpose of this video is to highlight and comment about what I see flawed in other people's beliefs and way of being.
Please do not look up the people shown in this video to bully, or spread hate comments.
These are not the values I stand for, and I do not wish to build an audience based on cowardice and trolls.

P.S. We're all aware of the Cancel Culture, so if your heart resonates with what I have to say, follow me on

* If you're a new member would help me if you sign up from this link$/invite/@HaelenHaagen:5

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