A Mary Garden Roses & Violets IV

2 years ago

The disconnect of vast swatches of population vs religious fervor of Mother Earth, Green philosophy.

Individual tree sign of Gods goodness rather it is nameless trees. Not studying forests, but love of one tree. Trees were a sign of haven, evokes memories. Honeysuckles and lilacs those ordors restorative, refreshing, and invitation to memories.

Connection to intimate to fauna, name with feast days.

France, May 1, Lilies of the Valley on St. Joseph. Ritual remain, connection can be found again.

Kids not experiencing nature as to be experienced. Rather fear its destruction. Few have dirt under the nails plating.

“Other sources have often presented flower legends only as interesting lore; but their vitality and inspiration are, as in medieval times, to be experienced in nature, and especially the Mary Garden, where the plants are actually cared for and lived devotionally.”

IV. Rose Gardens & Rosaries
Red roses- sorrows of BVM
White roses- joys of BVM
Yellow roses- glories of BVM

Rosary = rose garden and later to a garland of roses
Rosary = a garland of prayers in honor of Mary in the 1100’s
Rose gardens became places of meditation and honor to Mary
Monks (St. Hildegard of Bingen Doctor of the Church 1089-1179) for natural healing, recommend her intercession) planted paradise gardens (note the featured image) with healing herbs. Enclosed circular gardens were also known as rosaries or rose gardens.

Mary awareness, Eden foreshadowed her, not that she reflected Eden.

Silence easy way to maintain ignorance or advance it.

Collections of songs, prayers, and hymns called flower gardens. A collection of hymns of praise to Mary known as a rosarium, or rosary.

The Rose is considered to be the queen of all flowers. Every time we pray the rosary, it is as though we place 53 red roses (symbolizing each Hail Mary of the rosary) and six white roses ( symbolizing each Our Father of the rosary) upon her head.

Cloistered gardens represent the purity of the Virgin Mary, Song of Sol 4:12.

Spiritual bouquet, Catholic lexicon, Catholic imagination. A Bouquet of prayers.

Rosary evocative of flowers. Rose beauty, thorns, aroma. Children need earthly connection to these realities. Picture does not do it justice.

Don’t worship nature, recognize how beautiful the Lord’s goodness., Everything could have been brown. No need for multitude of colors, aromas, flavors. More beyond ourselves from necessary to good. Superfluous goodness of our God.

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