Heaven Land Devotions - The Quiet Callings of God

2 years ago

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**Elizabeth Elliot's Video "Relinquish": https://youtu.be/G08TS_3ZHuY

**Katherine Kuhlman's video: "How To Build A Relationship With The Holy Spirit: https://youtu.be/duyxph4hB4Y

Lately I have been watching videos of the most beautiful missionaries of God. Listening to their stories of very meek and humble beginnings. Taking in powerful stories of God's provisions and miracles in their work. Oh yes as well as the heavy trials and attacks that went along with it. All the stories ending with great glory and beauty. I was in deep awe and it affected me.

Something happens to us when we age. We feel that most of our lives have now gone past and we wonder is there anything else left for us to do in the Lord. There seems to be a new call. One that waits for those who are aging. I was taken in by listening to Elizabeth Elliot speak about relinquishment. I heard it with older ears, with understanding about what it really means to relinquish everything for the sake of Jesus Christ in service. Not as I had thought I had done so many years ago. I was deeply moved by her message.

For three days my heart was churning, and I could not sleep. I feel and know that there is more, and this sense of knowing was growing deeper and stronger within me. This morning after time in prayer I read these words in Hebrews 6:12, "that ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises."

I knew God was showing me who to follow and why. God is speaking through them to us. Like Abel, "though being dead yet speaketh." I hope this message will be especially to those who know in their hearts they want more only because their heart is yearning upon them. That they will hear the calling of God within and respond.

"Be sure of your call. Do not feel the call of God is always as it were audible. It is more the quiet sense of peace that comes when one is in prayer before Him. It is an assurance, a conviction, then there is the leading afterwards." Amy Carmichael

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