Fostering Youth Entrepreneurship for Climate Action | Naomi Ekpoki | TEDxUniversityofEdinburgh

2 years ago

The slogan 'Leaving no one behind' as commonly used to promote the UN SDGs is now of more importance to combat climate change due to the urgent steps needed to save planet earth. With the world recording the growing population of young people, their is need for inclusion of this cohort in climate action to achieve net-zero emissions. Drawing from her experience as a young under 25 female entrepreneur in sustainable energy, Naomi shared practical steps to boost the participation of the young people in climate action and suggesting ways the older generation can support. Completed a MSc in Sustainable Energy Systems at the University of Edinburgh School of Engineering as a Mastercard Foundation Scholar and holds a Bachelor of Engineering from Covenant University Nigeria. During her MSc, she founded a start-up called Omie Energy which centres on lowering the cost of renewable energy production – in particular solar energy – to provide more reliable and affordable access to green energy. Omie Energy aims to redesign photovoltaic (PV) cells and panels so as to deliver lower costs per produced kWh. She was highly commended in both the Fresh Ideas Competition run by the Scottish Institute for Enterprise and the Business ideas competition by Edinburgh Innovations. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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