Reboot. "Conspiracies" I spoke about in 2020, are 2022 Reality. Antichrist rising. Beheadings soon?

2 years ago

With the One World Religions recently released list of Noahide laws, that include things like beheadings for blasphemy, Im revisiting the medical insurance claim codes I discovered that were added in 2020 that implies American doctors will be paid by the state to perform legal beheadings. No one believed me then, probably won't believe me now even though the One World Religion is now here, and all the beast system components are ready to go and just waiting on a global crisis to put it into motion.

I made this Breadcrumbs video as a stand alone to reach out to non-believer family and friends with the intent of leaving a path of breadcrumbs (so to speak) in hopes the left behind would take heed of themselves. I had no intent at that time of becoming a watchman, also take into consideration Trump was still in office when I made this, so in some ways this video is like opening a time capsule since our world has changed so dramatically in just two years.

Topics I touch on (as you read this list, think how many of these things are subjects of conversation today):
1. Pre tribulation Rapture
2. Global nuclear attack, asteroids, aliens, project Blue Beam, etc will hide the Rapture
3. The antichrist may be JFK Jr?
4. Let's Take Our Planet Back
5. The Rockefeller Foundation and The Monitor Group - GBN Global Business Network
6. UN 7 year Peace Treaty and the third temple
7. Russia and the coming Gog Magog war (WWIII)
8. Collateralized Loan Obligations and Global Banks hiding money, that will be converted to crypto and offered to people if they'll accept the mark.
9. New crypto banking system. (Ripple XRP?)... Ready, just needs a global crisis to enact it, including RFID chips before it became reality.
10. Health Pass before it became reality.
11. Crypto mining and Blockchain before it became reality. Peer to peer transactions where you become an asset peer, but back then I thought it had to be a chip, I had no idea that graphene oxide would be in injections that will make individuals themselves transmit via 5G and Neuralink/Starlink to a hivemind quantum computer located on a satellite. And that chips are already old-school.
12. Medical insurance codes added in May 2020 so doctors can be reimbursed for performing legal decapitations, before the One Works Religion started talking about "Noahide Laws" that require the beheading of anyone that doesn't worship according to law.
13. Mark of the beasts health and financial aspects enforced by "statues given life" (terminators, like those being made by Boston Dynamics!?)
14. Taking your temperature in your forehead is conditioning.
15. Luciferase enzyme
16. Mobile phone system wide outages
17. Transhumanism and jabs altering DNA before it became reality.
18. The Arch of Palmyra (Ba'al) - Satan used ISIS to tear it down, so now it travels around the world as an exhibit.
19 after the 40 minute mark, I hint at Trump coming back to execute people in Guantanamo bay for satanic crimes, and who's in the news making a comeback every day? Trump. If this happens, do not be seduced by their deaths, do not believe in a false savior.

For more about Noahide Laws, visit

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