Politics Not Working? Start Voting!! Here's Why - Richard Grene # 14

2 years ago

Communication Strategist Richard Greene has long been on a mission to unite the world for a better future. In today’s episode we focussed more on an entirely new, disruptive and non-partisan approach to politics. One, that that can bring everyone together.

This subject is close to my heart since we are in a great need for the leaders of today to stand up. But there is a responsivity to each one of us as well.

Unite as a community, discuss what needs to be done. We all agree on the basics, i.e. food, security, shelter,… freedom and rights?

You will be surprised to find out that someone “on the other side of the fence”, has got more in common with you, that what you might realise.
If politics is failing, we need to vote better. Vote for those that do what they say they will do. This is how this modern society is going to change.
Not from disembowelling the current system.

For further information of this episode:
Site: http://www.richardgreene.org/


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