06/24/21 Thu: Public Meeting Confrontations! Based 9yo Girl??

3 years ago

0:00 Thu, Jun 24, 2021
0:38 We Know Who Our Enemies Are
3:39 Hey, guys!
4:20 Music comments
5:40 Spotify censorship
9:48 Intro: Simon Campbell
10:37 JLP in Glendale 2013
15:47 PA school board meeting
21:54 JLP: Sacramento Bail Reform
26:14 Super Chats / Commentary
33:51 Jeremiah, Louisiana
39:58 Rant about Israelites
45:27 Update on Tony from CA
47:39 Maze, Dayton, OH
54:34 On Maze and Juneteenth
57:48 Tease: 9yo girl
59:44 I Never Said That I Was Brave
1:02:45 Reading chat
1:05:07 9yo girl against BLM
1:14:26 Chris and James talk
1:18:24 Bobby, TX
1:27:19 Biden lying
1:28:00 Art in OH
1:34:47 Gab and Real Donald Trump
1:37:20 Intro: Addison Woosley
1:38:39 Clip! 13yo pro-life girl
1:46:36 T Swift
1:47:39 Rick, Hampton, VA
1:58:17 Antiracist Amazon in VA
2:00:05 Thx! Paper Bag, Silent Partner

The Hake Report, Thursday, June 24, 2021: Spotify censors 2 episodes! // Viral PA school board speech: former member Simon Campbell defends the right to offend officials personally. // INTERESTING CALLS — see below. // A 9-year-old girl Novalee confronts her school board over BLM posters in a suburb of Minneapolis, MN. // 2019 flashback: At a Raleigh City Council meeting, pro-life teenage girl Addison Woosley compares a woman's choice to a slave master flogging a little black child. // Amazon donates hundreds of "antiracist" books to VA school.

MUSIC: mewithoutYou - "We Know Who Our Enemies Are" and "I Never Said That I Was Brave" - 2002 album: [A to B] Life

Also check out Hake News from today.

• Jeremiah from Louisiana is called a snake by Hake for his call about "judgment" the other day. He says he loves his "nation," but won't say whether he's "American." He's an "Israelite."
• Maze from Dayton, OH wants to address some white caller's comments against Juneteenth, but won't say who Juneteenth is for! Dems and RINOs "gave them" a holiday. Who's them?
• Bobby from TX didn't have a big problem with the 9-year-old girl, but sees Biden attacking our rights, mocking the notion of Americans defending themselves against an oppressive gov't.
• Art from OH says the crazy neighborhood shooting clip seen on JLP was in Chicago. He is not impressed with the 9-year-old little girl who read a rant against BLM posters at school at a board meeting for a Minneapolis suburb.
• Rick from Hampton, VA talks about a lady claiming better schools would solve crime. He also talks about JLP's appearance on Dr. Rashad Richey's TYT show.

BLOG POST and PODCAST: https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2021/6/24/062421-thu-public-meeting-confrontations-based-9yo-girl

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James reads Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show and produces Church for Jesse's nonprofit, BOND a nonprofit dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." http://rebuildingtheman.com | http://jesseleepeterson.com

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