PANDA's Marc Girardot on how the COVID vaccines damage your body | Steve Kirsch

2 years ago

Read the following excellent article by Marc Girardot where he explains his theory of predominant harm caused by the immune system attacking transfected cells, and not by spike proteins:

Vaccine Russian Roulette: Why some might be just fine and some not...

In a follow-up article, I asked him if he thinks the same mechanism applies in COVID. He says yes.


A new paper is out linking the COVID vaccines and hepatitis (

Marc, among others, believes that this is not directly due to the spike protein, but happens indirectly. Here’s how:

1. After injection, the lipid nanoparticles (LNP) in the vaccines carry the mRNA instructions to your cells causing them to express spike protein (known as "transfection"). These transfected cells are all over your body and are not limited to the injection site.
2. The T-cells in your immune system then attack these cells (since they are expressing a foreign protein) causing the destruction of (formerly) healthy tissue. If the T-cell attacks happens to cells in the liver, you get hepatitis.

If it happens in cells around your heart, you get myocarditis. If it happens in the cells protecting the blood-brain barrier and in your brain, the barrier can be damaged leading to prion disease, Alzheimer's, dementia, autism, stroke, etc.

With respect to the cases of hepatitis being reported in 11 countries across the world, this may not be related as most of the cases are being reported in unvaccinated people. However, in the VAERS database, hepatic failure is elevated 87X normal and hepatic cirrhosis is elevated 125X normal.

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