When our No is No and our Yes is Yes we bruise our heel stomping on the head of the devil

2 years ago

This video is based on a Genesis 3:15 on how it parallels our interaction with the devil in our everyday life how people lie to us and we are to bruise our heel stomping on the head of the devil (liars). This is how we will have light in our lives with the conflict of pushing back against the lies with TRUTH! The TRUTH, The LIGHT and The Way (Jesus).

Genesis 3:14-15 YLT  And Jehovah God saith unto the serpent, 'Because thou hast done this, cursed art thou above all the cattle, and above every beast of the field: on thy belly dost thou go, and dust thou dost eat, all days of thy life;  (15)  and enmity I put between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; he doth bruise thee—the head, and thou dost bruise him—the heel.'

Also out inner yes has to be as our outer yes and our inner no has to be our outer no

Matthew 5:37 YLT  but let your word be, Yes, Yes, No, No, and that which is more than these is of the evil.

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All Bible references are in the YLT or Young's Literal Translation of The Bible

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