Ben Bikman: Fermenting grains may help some, but overall, grains drive chronic disease!

3 years ago

presented in the IIQ Metabolic Classroom, June 15, 2021

If insist on grains, then eat them the way ancestors did...
we have changed wheat over time, has much more:
-phytic acids

we have changed how we bake them:
-would have fermented them
-did not have chemicals to prevent spoilage
-did not have rapid-acting yeasts

ancestors used bacteria to do the fermenting:
-eating starches
-releases gas to have dough grow

bacteria have done some of the digestion for us, so:
-glucose load from fermented bread is much less
-because bacteria have eaten some glucose for us &
-released gas & short chain fats that:
-help our metabolism
-give tart flavor
-reduce phytic acids 60%

phytic acids block absorption of essential molecules
and nutrients, so:
fermenting, by reducing phytic acids, allows more:
-nutrients to be absorbed
-whole grains have more nutrients than
refined grains

Gliadin, molecule that moves from gut into blood...
gets into Mom's breast milk in significant levels
so, may be causing growing sensitivity in children
to gliadin

Summary: whole grains are NOT "magic heatlh foods"
because, they:
1. reduce our ability to absorb macronutrients (proteins)
and micronutrients (minerals)
2. can give us an inflammatory response to gliaden
3. will have a significant insulin response
Eating whole grains vs refined grains:
-insulin response is shockingly similar!
-so, glucose also spikes

Insulin matters!
chronically elevated insulin is much better predictor of:
-heart attack than cholesterol or LDL levels
-hypertension, fatty liver disease, infertility, alzheimers,
-drives certain types of cancer

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