TAKE ACTION NOW against the very bad bills still alive in the CA Legislature

3 years ago

CRATV S2 E5: TAKE ACTION NOW against the very bad bills still alive in the CA Legislature

Here are the important links:

CRA's TAKE ACTION page: http://cragop.org/category/news/action/

OPPOSE AB 101 – Ethnic Studies Graduation Requirement: http://cragop.org/oppose-ab-101/

OPPOSE AB 1084 – Fines departments stores for separating toys by gender: http://cragop.org/oppose-ab-1084-fines-departments-stores-for-separating-toys-by-gender/

OPPOSE SB 519 – Decriminalization of Psychedelic Drugs: http://cragop.org/oppose-sb-519-decriminalization-of-psychedelic-drugs/

OPPOSE AB 1223 – Gun & Ammunition Tax: http://cragop.org/oppose-ab-1223-gun-ammunition-tax/

JOIN CRA AT http://cragop.org/join-cra/

CRATV is a program of the California Republican Assembly. It’s goal is to connect viewers to the issues, people, and organizations impacting California and the nation; as well as giving them a tangible way to help make positive change through conservative values.

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