Sacrificed Russian Paratrooper mom Eulogy

2 years ago

The wives and mothers of some of the #Russian paratroopers captured in #Ukraine have appealed to President Vladimir #Putin to help bring them home.

Recording their messages on camera phones, the women pleaded for the men to be returned alive.

They spoke from the office of the Committee of Soldiers’ Mothers, a human rights organization in Kostroma, the central Russian town where the men are based.

"Dear President, Minister of Defense and commanders," the first woman said. "My child, Yegor Valeryevich Pochtoev, is at the moment in captivity on Ukrainian territory.

"I am begging you in the name of God: give me my child back. Get him back alive and all the other boys who were captured with him.

"My son, boys, we are with you. Guys, we will get you out of this trouble in any case. If the commanders don’t help us, we will do it ourselves; your mothers will do it."

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