What did Jesus say about Money in Matthew?
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Jesus and Money in Luke
Jesus and Money In John
Jesus and Money Wrapup

What did Jesus say about Money in Matthew?

2 years ago

Jesus has allot to say about money in the book of Matthew, and here are the references I used: 6:1-4, 21, 24; 13:21-23, 44-46; 19:12-15; 25:14-30. All references are from The Passion Translation, but you’ll have to look them up for yourselves.

As we begin this series on money and what You said about it, help us to be humble. Give us fresh eyes and ears to see and hear these passages in fresh ways. Help us to apply what we learn
So, what are our takeaways, here? What are you telling us about money in the book of Matthew? Thank you for being with us as we open your word, and for helping us to hear it and see it in fresh ways.

One: Money is a thing to be used and used well. (vs 6:1-4 & 21; 25:14-30)
Two: Money is not meant to be abused by bragging about giving to particular individuals. (6:1-4)
Three: Money should not be your object in life, the more you run after it, the harder it will be to get what you want. (13:22; 19:21-25)
Four: Money can deceive you, if you build your life on it, you will be disappointed. (13:22)
Five: Wealth should be used generously, as our Father is generous with us. (21:12-13)

How is money to be used well? It is not to be hoarded or used as a weapon against the dignity of another human being. It is to be used to benefit others and to get what truly matters, eternal life and the Kingdom of God, as the men in vs 13:44-46.

How are we to relate with money? It is to be viewed as a means to an end, not an end in and of itself. It should never supplant God or seeking the best for others. Do not destroy others in order to get riches, if you do that, wealth will escape you. It is to be a servant, never a master to us, as we cannot serve two masters (6:24)

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