How Parents are Taking Charge of Their Children’s Education! with Sheri Few President of USPIE

2 years ago

Sheri Few is the Founder and has served as President of SC Parents Involved in Education since June 2000. She founded US Parents Involved in Education in 2014 and serves as President. Sheri led the fight against Common Core in SC that ended with her candidacy for SC Superintendent of Education where she narrowly lost. She was endorsed by Phyllis Schlafly, Concerned Women for America, Family Research Council, and Congresswoman Michele Bachmann. Sheri is known for her expertise on Common Core and education policy, and has been a featured speaker for national and local conferences and radio shows.

Grassroots leaders from around the country are working to expose the lies and government schemes being taught in government schools that harm children and threaten freedom. Specifically, USPIE is working with Great Commission Films to produce the documentary Truth & Lies in American Education to expose these truths. TruthandLiesFilm.US

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