Dr. Tess Lawrie Challenges the WHO With 16 Key Points, Promoting Transparency and Individual Rights

2 years ago

"The sovereignty of all people and nations must be unfailingly upheld. Public participation in decision-making must be robust and clear. The right to choose and refuse treatments or medical interventions, including access to repurposed medicines, must be respected. Discrimination based on medical status or choice must be rejected. Mass experimentation and social engineering must be rejected. States of emergency, lockdown, and emergency use authorizations are the decisions of sovereign countries in a public participation process, and a restoration [to prevent] harm from medical interventions must be promoted."

Just a girl that loves her country. I am a Artist, Published author, Aunt, Sister, Girlfriend, Pagan and a Patriot.
I am collecting info/videos for history.

Never ever give up! Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war - Trump

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