For Such A Time As This!!! Hear His Voice- To Be Faithful, To Be Holy, Knowing Jesus Christ 111 144

2 years ago

Jesus Christ is Lord, and He is coming to rescue us in the rapture. This is to encourage you to continue to persevere and watch daily while avoiding evil and loving His commands. Revelation 3:10-11 “Because you have obeyed my command to persevere, I will protect you from the great time of testing that will come upon the whole world to test those who belong to this world. 11 I am coming soon.] Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take away your crown.

@Joseph Acquaviva2222 did this video about a Giant Squid news story in Obama, Japan. The Lord made me laugh saying, "Giant Calamari," and off I went discovering more messages He wanted me to see. In Jewish gematria, it's 302. In 302 is "Adversary raised up." Are you fighting the Adversary by reading the Bible daily? The song that I woke up with at 3:17 (Colossians 3:16-17) this morning is- For Such A Time As This by Marty and Misha Goetz and is at the end-
@Marty Goetz
There is before us now
A chance we dare not miss
Could it be, we have come to the kingdom
For such a time as this?
We have come to the kingdom
For such a time as this!

For Such A Time As This by Wayne Watson (song)
Now, all I have is now
To be faithful, to be holy
And to shine lighting up the darkness
Right now, I really have no choice
But to voice the truth to the nations
A generation looking for God

For such a time as this
I was placed upon the earth
To hear the voice of God
And do His will, whatever it is
For such a time as this
For now and all the days He gives
I am here, I am here
And I am His
For such a time as this

You, do you ever wonder why
Seems like the grass is always greener
Under everybody else's sky
But right here, right here for this time and place
You can live a mirror of His mercy
A forgiven image of grace

For such a time as this
I was placed upon the earth
To hear the voice of God
And do His will, whatever it is
For such a time as this
For now and all the days He gives
I am here, I am here
And I am His
For such a time as this

Can't change what's happened till now
But we can change what will be
By living in holiness
That the world will see Jesus

For such a time as this
I was placed upon the earth
To hear the voice of God
And do His will, whatever it is
For such a time as this
For now and all the days He gives
I am here, I am here
And I am His
For such a time

Matched in 302 gematria: MOST HIGH, Church, Be prepared, Liars in hell, Rebuke, Heartbeat, Don't Be Afraid, Change is Coming, Accepted Mark, Accuse, Mid-Point, BLESSES, In Good Health, Barack Obama Mark 302 666 111, Barack and Michael Obama, Satan Chained, Obama's Crimea, God Spark, For the Lamb, Foresee God, God Connect, A Real Place Called Hell, To Shine, God is in her, Meet The End, I'll Be Back Soon, A Candid Bible Teacher, Faith is a Choice, Eternal A O (Alpha and Omega), Barack Obama Plan 302 666 111, False Freedom, I Am In The Fire333, God Of All Time, People In Hell, raised three kids, collecting DNA, Plucked (which is 717 in Strongs).

Psalm 119-

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