Spraying Glyphosate on our Forests - Stop the Spray!

2 years ago

The BC government recently announced plans to spray a majority of the lower BC mainland from Hope to Squamish with chemical herbicides such as Glyphosate (AKA Roundup) as part of a 5 year "pest management plan". The issue here is that ALL of the species identified and targeted
as "pests" are all native species that play intricate roles within our forest ecosystems and this action would have profound effects on both our lands and our communities.

Glyphosate is a known carcinogen to humans, and its use at this scale has profound impacts on our watersheds, wildlife, and Indigenous culture, yet... this is not new, and spraying of these chemicals on our forests has been happening for decades throughout Cascadia. It's time that we stop the
spray to ensure a healthy, vibrant future for us all.

Take Action:
- Call Elijah Fraser at BC Timber Sales to demand a 60 days extension to the consultation period, 604-702-5700.
- Email BC Timber Sales at
Forests.ChinookTimberSalesoffice@gov.bc.ca by EOD on March 27th for an extended consultation period on the issue.
- Follow @Stop.the.spray.bc for more resources on ending the spraying of Glyphosate on our forests here in BC.

#stopthespray #bcforests #forest #bslogging #ecology #roundup #pesticide #herbicide #bc #fyp #currentaffairs #bcnews #stopthesprayBC

Irnieracing News is solely fan funded.
CDN ET: irnieracing@hotmail.com

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