Rock Climbing for Kids- Intermediate 5.6 Wall

2 years ago

Class 5 Climbing- Climbing is technical and belayed roping with protection is required. There are additional subcategories within class 5.

5.1 to 5.4 are considered easy courses with large handholds and footholds. Blake scales a 5.6, which is an intermediate course with small footholds and handholds. The grade can be low angle to vertical terrain.

Blake works hard to stay on course, which includes only the small white holds for hands and feet. She forgets at a few points where the greens are located, but adjusts her position and works to do her best. This climb is a big accomplishment for her level, and as you can see by the end, she is all smiles and super proud! Check out the fun she has as she finishes the course, lands to safety, and bounces back ready for more climbing action.

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