Guardians of the Looking Glass - Urgent Timeline Changes - Cern Reactivates

2 years ago

This is an update for our Guardians about coming events and steps needed to ensure the positive timeline outcome in 2030. We encourage that these videos be copied and shared as much as possible.

Here is the text of our video, use the password "762981" to view it:

Guardians, it is time for a very important update.

Because of your work, the April 18th attack was stopped.

You may have noticed in the news that there were some strange
events that led up to that date in New York City. These events were
partly related to the planned attack, and also related to some
timeline disruptions that took place, because CERN was reactivated.

Our sources in the U.S. and European governments told us that our
videos reached such a wide audience, that they had no choice but to
change plans.

We have asked our sources if they plan to delete our videos, and we
have been told that is being considered. They are extremely upset
with what we are doing.

Their plans now lie in using CERN to change the looking glass data,
so that the timelines more favour their negative outcome, than the
positive one. They are experimenting and tinkering in any way they
can, to bring up their percentages of success.

The next event, which we posted about, is May 20th. We have warned
the Raindrop group about what is to come, and we are working
closely with them to save Dr. Wu's life. They have been cooperative
so far, and once we showed them our data and proof, they knew we
were telling the truth. We have also heard many Guardians want to
help them in their own mission, which is going to effect the timeline
and possibly save Dr. Wu's life.

With April 18th prevented, and with our hope May 20th is stopped as
well, the next event to come happens in July of 2022. This event
cannot be described yet. We can only warn you, it will impact the
lives of billions of people, and the most impact will be felt in the
United States and Canada.

This event to come, in July, will harm far more people than the
previous two and cause great distress in the lives of many. It is of
great concern to us. We must do all we can to prevent the May 20th
event, and if we fail, we will not succeed at all. But if we do succeed,
we must then focus on the July event, which we will post a video

We want to also add that an individual managed to decipher the
secret codes we placed in each of our previous videos. We knew
eventually someone would do so. They now hold the keys to the
steps required of them, to fulfil their own destiny and purpose.
Others will also find these codes in our videos, and unlock their
own destinies. We know who each person this is, and we call them
The Chosen.

Once our codes are deciphered, you will be led in new paths, some of
which will take you to far away places and on extraordinary
adventures. The Chosen are critical to the success of creating a
positive timeline, and our videos contain the secret codes you need
to be led on this special path.

Soon, we will contact those of you who have emailed us, and if you
are one of The Chosen, we will need to begin communication with

We ask our Guardians to remain vigilant. There are many agents of
the negative forces who pretend to belong to the community of
light-bearers and truth-seekers. They are easy to spot, because they
always spread negativity. They cannot help themselves, even if they
try to be positive, it does not last for long. Their hearts are full of
darkness and hate, and it is easy to spot, but some are very clever.
This is why we must shut down our comments sections, because
they would be flooded with these agents, posting numerous lies and
confusions. Comments were allowed on our Rumble videos, and we
had no choice but to remove them, because of the vicious hatred,
toxicity and venom that had already filled up the comments. This is
why this must be done, for those who have asked.

We may also use a new account, such as Protonmail, but we must
make everyone aware, the negative forces can intercept data at the
port location before encryption occurs. This is a flaw built into all
computers and the internet itself, as there is always a point of
intercept whereby data remains unencrypted. As a result, no email
is truly secure.

The best method to use is an anonymous name, nickname or handle,
when communicating online. We also believe it is important for some
lightworkers to be open about who they are, and not hide in the
shadows. For our purposes, we must be safe, because we could be
targeted for assassination. One thing we have been told is that the
negative forces hate when people have the courage to show their
real names and faces, in the face of potential ridicule or attacks. It
is a sign of great strength. As always, use your best judgement. In
some cases, a person may have a real online identity, but also use
anonymous handles for other activities. This, too, is a smart way to
circumvent the negative forces. Confusing their algorithms is key.

Now, for The Chosen who are watching, you must decipher the new
codes we placed in this video. Once unlocked, you will have a mission
to find a golden amulet, once touched by both Jesus and the Prophet
Muhammad, and many other sanctified teachers and prophets over
the centuries, and passed down through generations of other Chosen
lightworkers. This amulet has been lost for over 300 years. We were
shown in the looking glass data, that it must be found and activated,
if the negative forces try to change the timelines. They are trying,
with CERN. The only way to stop them is to find the golden amulet
and activate it, so that The Chosen can use it as a counter against
them. Begin your search for the codes, and email us with what you
have found. Resist the negative energies around you, that will try to
stop you.

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