06/17/12 Father's Day – the Forgotten Holiday (Archive)

3 years ago

Sunday Service from Father's Day 2012: Jesse Lee Peterson warns people to deal with issues with their fathers while they live.

BOND Father's Day Sunday Service, June 17, 2012: Jesse Lee Peterson discusses Barack Obama and commercial treatment of Father's Day in contrast with Mother's Day. A Dairy Queen commercial depicted a child kicking his father in the groin for not sharing his ice cream. One church lady said she'd kick him too! Meanwhile the military is saluting "gay pride," in an attack on men.

We talk at-length with one man who has an aging Bible-thumper father, who feels like it's too late to address old resentment and disappointment. Satan gives people excuses not to deal with issues in families, because it feels awkward, and could expose tension, anger, and dishonesty. It's an awful mistake not to go and forgive your parents. Jesse can always tell when men had weak or absent fathers — grown men are immature. They don't know what's missing.

Even a good stepfather is not enough. Go to your real father, if you can, and ask what happened, not to attack or accuse. Show love.

BLOG POST and PODCAST: https://rebuildingtheman.com/06-17-12-fathers-day-the-forgotten-holiday-archive/

0:00 Sun, Jun 17, 2012
0:44 Happy Father's Day
1:16 Whipped Obama
3:31 Father's Day commercials
9:24 Dairy Queen
10:25 Open attack on men
11:58 I'd kick Dad too
14:36 Kick the mother?
15:46 Should not be allowed
17:22 More back and forth
18:05 Military salutes "Pride"
21:01 Wayne on father
25:06 Difficult for families
27:00 Old now, why bother?
29:31 Bible thumper fathers
30:46 A father on his father
36:31 Jesse's story
41:11 Jesse's stepfather
42:29 Warning: Awful mistake
45:50 Satan gives excuses
47:55 Man almost breaks down
49:44 Immature men
53:52 Lady had a stepfather
55:18 Stepfather not enough
56:25 Ask what happened
58:55 Last guy on his dad
1:00:07 Love your fathers
1:00:17 Support BOND

Archive Sunday Services premiere on BOND YouTube channel every Wednesday at 4 PM U.S. Pacific Time.


Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday 11 AM Pacific Time at BOND in Los Angeles, California, USA - http://rebuildingtheman.com/church

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