Meet the tractor obsessed THREE year old who is taking social media by storm

2 years ago

Meet the tractor obsessed fifth generation farmer who is taking social media by storm- at just THREE years old.

Tommy Summerbell has impressed his family with his caring nature when looking after their myriad of animals; dogs, sheep, goats, alpacas, chickens, cows and horses.

His proud mum, Kate Weightman, 29, says he is 'seriously tractor obsessed' after having his first ride on one at just two days old.

The toddler, who goes to nursery two days a week, now regularly drives a combine harvester, while sitting on his dad's lap.

The cute tot, who lives on a 70-acre farm near Hartlepool in Crimdon, Co Durham, has amassed over 55k TikTok followers in less than two months.

His doting mum posts adorable videos of his outdoor antics, mostly riding around on tractors, 'strutting' around with his loyal dogs and helping his dad with the daily workload.

Kate, who owns a beauty business, explained: ''He really is just farm mad.

''All he wants to do is be out and about with his dad.

''He loves being outside with the tractors and the animals.

''He charges around having the time of his life.

''He really loves going to check on the cows and lets the chickens out every morning.

''His first few words were 'tractor' and 'digger' and then after that 'mum'.

''Thankfully I wasn't offended!

''He's an incredibly caring little boy.

''We'd never push him into farming, as far as we're concerned he can do whatever he wants later in life.

''But it does seem that he'll be in line to take over the family business.

''He already tells all the teachers at nursery about 'my farm'''.

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