Pfizer and FDA cover-up: 3.7% of Pfizer vaccinations end in death.

2 years ago

The Pfizer Report Raises More Questions Than It Answers, Redacts Important Parts

“It's a shocker of the 42,086 patients… twelve-hundred and twenty-three of them died. Death was the outcome. That's 3.7% of the total… if we knew how many doses were shipped by Pfizer, we would understand what level of death this represents… but Pfizer redacted that number of how many total doses they shipped. So we cannot know what level of death this represents.”

Pfizer then asks the FDA to waive tracking the vaccinated outcomes and is granted a special waiver that let's Pfizer drop putting in a product code for the vaccination that would have allowed standard tracking of the vaccination outcomes.

Why did Pfizer get this special FDA waiver of tracking? Because it would be "burdensome and redundant."

Now, we'll never know what the outcome was for Pfizer vaccinations.
The criminality on both Pfizer and the FDA is outrageous.

How in the hell is Pfizer still allowed to be in business as they clearly are issuing death sentences through the continued use of their vaccination for Covid-19?

Source: Sergeant News Network Telegram Channel:

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