Ted Cruz Jokes About Gay Mickey Mouse During Pathetic Attempt At Conservative Comedy

2 years ago

Ted Cruz tried out some of his stand-up routine and it went about as well as you'd expect.

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Emma: Ted Cruz cannot help but project his weird sexual proclivities onto the rest of the world. he's talking about Disney not sufficiently supporting the don't say the gay bill in Florida. and here's what he hopes just kidding. but here's what he says will now be Disney's content.
Cruz: I think some people are misguided trying to drive you to know Disney stepping in saying you know in every episode now they're going to have you know you know mickey and pluto going at it. like really? but it's just like come on guys. like these are kids.
Emma: And you know you can only ship just for me.
Matt: Yeah, Ted Cruz is a famous porn laker but this is so interesting as a sort of a conservative observational comedy style of saying a thing that's not happening and then be like I mean come on guys we're going to make all Disney into porno now. no. like this is exactly the problem. It's like any sort of hint that you like if you draw a crowd in Pixar. you need to draw a man and a woman. a man and a woman. a man and a woman. they can only be paired up together. If you have anyone in the crowd like say a man hugging a man in celebration or like a crowd like a basketball game-winner something like that. That's basically Mickey and Pluto going at it.

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