How To Make Free Gas At Home | Free Butane - Propane Gas | Liberty BioGas

2 years ago

In this new video we are going to teach you how to make a device with which we can produce our own BioGas in a very easy way. For this we will need a few materials that are very easy to obtain and we will use organic waste to produce high purity gas with a high calorific demand.
In just 2 weeks we will have free gas to cook and heat our house.
This free Gas generator is known by very few people. We think that by showing these inventions in our videos we can change the world. If you want to see more interesting videos, please visit our channel and you can free yourself from the oppression of big energy companies.
We have named this project "Liberty BioGas"

00:01 Presentation
00:27 Security Warning
00:33 Manufacturing diagram
00:52 We start to manufacture the device
07:01 Let's go to the pig farm
07:20 We add pig manure and water in the drum
09:25 Test and demonstrations with free Gas

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