2020 Lost Marbles: The Avengers

2 years ago

released Oct 1, 2021
my brother Wil Marble wrote it and I sang with him...The song is called "Avengers (the real ones)". It is about a jewish group at the end of World War 2 who had suffered mightily under the Nazis and wanted vengeance. They decided that they had to kill 6 million Germans to even the scales. They had a plan to poison the drinking water of Berlin but their leader (a POET) got caught trying to smuggle in the poison and was deported to Palestine. They tried to poison a bunch of Germans being held as POW's but were unsuccessful. So they were feeling pretty defeated when their poet leader called them from Palestine and said, "come out here and help me build a homeland for our people". In the documentary I saw an 80 year-old lady was talking about their first night in Palestine when she saw the city lights of Haifa. She explained that finally they could live for something other than vengeance. She said "the only sound was our tears". That was so powerful I just grabbed the first scrap of paper I could find and started writing lyrics.

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