April 23'22_Dare to dream, you can create your own reality by embracing life and positive change!

2 years ago

Happy Belated Earth Day!!
We are at a pivotal moment in time so I couldn't stay away and not share my thoughts with you!
It is time for us all to consider that our dreams and visions of living better lives is here.
By choosing to live our own lives and focus on individual aspirations, family and our communities, we can see this life in a ,much more positive light.
Headlines are revealing that truths are being revealed and justice is on its way.
We have been through a very challenging time and we can now relax and take breath once again. The worst is behind us as the majority of the population everywhere are choosing to focus on a better path for us all. This may mean that democracy will have to be rewritten to establish principles and guidelines, anything is possible!
What it will mean for sure is that illegal remains illegal, that innocent people are not deemed as criminal and those who have been wrongfully accused will receive retribution.
It will mean that reconciliation is not an empty apology, that there are actions taken from the learnings to ensure the situation never happens again.
Life has been one amazing lesson and we are at a time that we can all turn the page and become a part of something bigger than us.
Thank-you to all of you for taking this journey with me, as we all take our own. It is up to each and every single one of us to experience our own journey and learn from one another.
Life is a lesson I can not be more grateful for as the challenges I was blessed to of had have only made me stronger.
Life is amazing that way, embrace it and always choose to be the best you can be.
Dare to dream and dream for big change!
You owe it to yourself to take your own journey, depending on how you look at it you may come to realize that it is a real life fantasy :)

Much love to all of you in the future we will be creating together.
Nothing is impossible xoxoxo

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