I May Have Found the Issue (Hay Equipment Repair) - PLUS: Off-grid Cabin Ceiling (Vlog #19)

3 years ago

It's the battle of girl vs machine as Farm Girl once again stares down her nemesis . . . the John Deere moco 1219 . . . who will win in the battle of the broken sickle bars?!

Prepping new fields with the TYM 574 as a fail safe against a failed hay season . . .

Failed hay season?! It's a very real possiblility, and the cutting hasn't even begun yet!

The shiplap pine boards get STAINED and hung up in the off-grid cabin office!

Keep your seat belts on, it's a rough ride through hay season 2021!

👉 Check out TYM Tractors online 👌 https://tym.world/en-us/

💕 Spec our our amazing TYM 574 Tractor HERE: https://tym.world/en-us/products/tractors/compact/series-4/t574/

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Join "What The Farm Girl" on her many CRAZY adventures running their NEWLY BUILT, FIRST GENERATION family farm on 87 acres in Western Michigan. Born and raised a city-girl, she's finding out everyday what's she's made of as she struggles to figure out planting, harvesting and equipment repair. With plenty of tongue-in-cheek humor and lots of mischief, you never know what you'll watch next!

Women-run farms are so very scarce, but Farm Girl shows that girls don't just have a place "helping" on the farm, they can RUN the SHOW!

*Buy the Ford Hat: https://amzn.to/2Kp2UM1


WTFarm Girl
PO Box 228
Sand Lake, MI 49343

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Check Out These Popular Videos:
►WATCH NOW: Farm Girl Tries the Tapeworm Diet https://youtu.be/XofyFUkWvuY
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