Mark Houck TKM

2 years ago

How much of a difference can one person make in this world of nearly 8 billion people?" Those of us who call ourselves "Christians" would of course answer, "The greatest difference in the world," having as our founder the man who initiated the collapse of the Roman occupation and whose followers spread his message of love, mercy, and salvation throughout the world. One of those followers busy spreading that message is Mark Houck, founder of The King's Men apostolate, who joined Dan and Tom to discuss his ministry's mission: "Under Christ the King's universal call to serve, we as men, pledge to unite and build up other men in the mold of leader, protector, and provider through education, formation, healing, and action." While this apostolate gears itself for men, the wives, daughters, and other women in the lives of TKM men benefit from their increased faithfulness and selfless service to them and to others.

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