Gorillas at the Zoo (in HD)

2 years ago

Gorillas at the world- famous San Diego Zoo in high definition (HD). Gorillas have always fascinated zoo visitors. They are the largest of all primates—the group of animals that includes monkeys, lemurs, orangutans, chimpanzees, and humans. Gorillas are peaceful, family-oriented, plant-eating animals.

Many people like to compare gorillas with humans, but there are several differences. Although they are able to stand upright, gorillas prefer to walk using their hands as well as their legs. Their arms are much longer than their legs, and they can use the backs of their fingers like extra feet when they walk. Gorillas and chimpanzees are the only animals able to knuckle walk.Baby business
A female gorilla is ready to have babies of her own when she is about eight years old. But first, she must leave the safety of her own troop and find another troop or a lone silverback to live with. A newborn grows quickly. At five to six months old it learns to walk, and by 18 months of age it can follow mom on foot for short distances. Still, the safest place for the younster is its mother's back as she travels thru the dense vegetation of their forest home.

Young gorillas learn by imitating what the others in the troop are doing, and by play fighting with other youngsters. Even the stern silverbacks are gentle with the little ones as they practice new skills. A young gorilla stays close to its mom, sharing her nest, until it is four to six years old.
Filmed with a Canon HV30

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