Earth Day Statement ~ Earth Based Martian Government

2 years ago

The Earth Based Martian Government
Earth Day Statement
Deliver by Kenntron, President

Today is a special day for everybody breathing the present day atmosphere and I have this to say to the political Leftists on Earth Day 2022:

I'm ambidextrous so don't talk to me about leaning left and right.

The right gets a multi-pass from Kenntron this year.

My obligation in politics is the safety of future Martian generations, not your moral high ground from 2001.

Adjust your angle and fast, bitches.

Happy Earth Day 🌎🔴

#happyearthday #earthday #earthday2022 #earthdayeveryday #climatechange #greenparty #thegreenparty #Leftists #leftist #leftistmemes #leftistlogic #theleft #leftwing #leftwingpolitics #theleftlovers #mars #Martian #martians #multipass #earthwithoutartisjusteh

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