A military cemetery in Spremberg: Sonst Nichts...

2 years ago

I had to make a video like this when I discovered that I was in the east of Germany only 25 km away from the ‘Sowjetischer Soldaten Friedhof’, in English: 'Soviet soldiers cemetery'. Especially after the quite impressive images I found of it on the internet I thought it would be good to go there and record a video in this time of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the growing hysteria, hoaxing and war-mongering.
In these times it is good to think a little bit about the forties of last century: It is good to reconsider the complex and horrible clash of nazism, communism and the free world.
Let us please realise that Mr Putin not only ‘remembers’ -so to speak- the horrors of communism but also of nazi-hatred towards Russia; NO, not ‘just’ to the Russian nation but to all slavic people and the Russian people in particular!
The horror and complexity are back and many seem to eagerly go back to the decades of the Cold War.

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