Black Sheep - Imagine

2 years ago

This song is a cover after John Lennon's Imagine (which is the "hymn" of the Globalist movement).

This song is not a war song, but it is a wake-up call for all the people of the World to see past the bullshit of the mainstream media propaganda.

If you liked this song please SUBSCRIBE, SHARE and have a listen to my first release that got banned from youtube (removed directly by Laika Network, the company that handles Pink Floyd's online video rights) after it reached 70k views in just 2 days. It's a manifest song called Another Sheep in the Mall

I do not own the rights for the images from the Eurovision contest and the Voice, but i was present as a guitarist in both recordings (i was the Voice of Romania lead guitarist from 2018 to 2020 when i got "canceled" for publicly expressing my political and social views) and i was present during Eurovision Romanian 2022 finals.

My original Facebook, Instagram and Twitter ALL got ERASED because i had a lot of followers and my opinions were reaching far too many people.
Here are some of my new pages if you want to reach me.

My Facebook page -
My Instagram page -
My email -

This song is a satyrical and educational song which i don't monetize. Any resemblence with real characters is not randomly. I hope my ex colleagues from the Voice of Romania will get the ideea and will not be upset for using their image in this manner.

Happy Easter. May your best Egg win.

Imagineaza-ti ca nu exista Mass-Media
E usor daca incerci
Fara iad inauntrul nostru
Doar Cerul deasupra noastra
Imagineaza-ti toti oamenii traind fara frica.

Imagineaza-ti ca nu exista Bias
Nu este greu deloc
Sa ai pentru ce ucizi sau sa mori
Dumneze fiind una dintre optiuni.

Puteti spune despre mine ca sunt un criminal
Insa nu sunt singurul
Imi doresc ca astazi sa te Trezesti
Si lumea sa fie unita.

Imagineaza-ti ca nu ar mai fi posedari
Facute de raul care salasluieste
In spatele Lacomiei si a Foamei
In spatele portilor iadului.
Imagineaza-ti ca toti acesti oameni sunt Raii Lumii

Imagineaza-ti ca acest virus
A fost tot creatia lor
Aveau si focoase nucleare
Pregatite pentru mine si pentru voi
Imagineaza-ti ca toti acesti oameni nu ar mai fi trait astazi

Imagineaza-ti ca violeaza copii
Stiu ca este foarte greu
La fel si cu Nine eleven ( 11 septembrie )
Dar in curand veti afla Adevarul
Imagineaza-ti ca toti acesti oameni ar trai fara frica.

Puteti spune despre mine ca sunt un criminal
Insa nu sunt singurul
Imi doresc ca astazi sa te Trezesti!
Si lumea sa fie unita.

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