3 years ago

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Father Fish is an old time fish keeper. For 70 years he has kept fish. These are his simple, easy, bullet-proof methods for keeping healthy, happy tropical fish in an environment that can truly be called a living aquarium.
Louis Foxwell adopted the role of Father Fish many years ago when he decided to open a tropical fish store as a retirement business. He had been a missionary, following in his father's footsteps for 25 years. Both men served the same congregation of deaf worshipers.
Tropical fish were Father fish's constant companion throughout his life. He tells a wonderful story about his grandmother who kept fish in Berlin, Germany as a child.

00:00 INTRO [Music]
02:22 tropical storm
06:02 friday i had a colonoscopy
08:01 leaf litter humus
09:10 deep substrate with soil
13:38 foul condition
15:25 food web approach
16:59 what do you recommend to cover my dwarf neon rainbow tank
18:35 my rule of thumb is no more
20:35 fungus is the key
23:39 worm casting
24:07 liquid fertilizer liquid fertilizer
27:13 more people use their own garden slope
37:43 tiger lotus
38:34 Roman ponds
50:28 my paypal
51:57 cherry shrimp
53:50 Salt water tank with fresh water substrate
55:59 Grammys
58:26 what's happening
59:39 a hobby issue it's really a personal issue
1:04:28 a dozen pseudo mcgills
1:07:15 are you going to get coral?
1:08:44 profit first
1:09:34 what is your favorite aquatic plant
1:13:30 how about adding a pleco to that tank?
1:12:13 what do you think about using kitty litter?
1:16:24 bristlenose
1:19:54 humus humus leaf litter
1:23:38 join discord
1:25:05 my streaming time
1:29:16 END [Music]

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