Tough Mudder Preparation

2 years ago

Figured I'd take the time to be more efficient and fill myself while I'm on my way back to the house. There's another guy out on the road today. You know, it's a little rainy outside, so props to the old man that I just encountered. Said hello to getting it out. Getting out here and getting exercise in no ******* excuses really. If your goals are to get in shape to compete in races which I plan on doing some Spartan races in the near future. But in the short term local 5K's 10K's and then a tough Mudder in September. So we'll see how this goes. My weight training today was back in chess, so that was a killer too. Supersetting things to make a shorter time so I had more energy when I was running, so I'm feeling good. I'll let you guys know more tomorrow after this first week of running and lifting combined it's not easy, but if you want something hard enough. You got to go get it. Nobody's gonna go get it for you. You have to get up and change the channel on the TV. If you don't like what you're seeing. And I know it's corny, but it is the truth and I'm going to go home and pig out on some eggs and a protein shake. Nothing else really for the for the night trying to cut back on the calories to stay about like 2600 to stay at a steady calorie deficit. To lose a little bit more fat and weight and something that's a smarter, more calculated approach for me. Probably lose one to two pounds a week, preferably one slowly like I did before before I gained it back. But being back into running that runner's high and that lifting beast mode combination. Something that I haven't had a whole lot of, even when I was in the military, is mostly runner, so the the runner's high and the weight lifting high is ridiculous combination of a release. Of all these hormones, and I just feel great after it. So if I can do it, you guys can. I'm 6 four, £300 out here running so there's not really an excuse except for you just haven't taken the time, but you woke up for a reason. So get after it and figure out what that reason is. We all know what it is we know we can feel it deep inside of our souls. When you stop living through the filters of fear that other people are trying to perpetrate on us, they think we're ******* crazy for being out here or lifting weights, making ourselves uncomfortable. But to me, I think they're the crazy ones are not doing it and wanting to be better. I was one of those lazy slobs and I still am from time to time. We all are but more consistency. And consistency is discipline and discipline is freedom. I'd like to borrow that from Jocko fellow veteran and also David Goggins. Look, my goal definitely is to defeat my inner ***** and I still call myself a beta ***** all the time and I never will apologize for that because it helps me stay humble and stay after it, staying more consistent with it and everything. So if anybody wants to join me in any of the races, even if it's in the surrounding state, I will go with you. But I'm in Pennsylvania right now so we can always coordinate something and go from there. Alright guys, thank you very much. Stay hard and get after your goals. No more ******* excuses.

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