How to Effectively Address Weight Loss Naturally / Old Mountain Remedies - Walt Cross 6/6

2 years ago

Want to learn how to stay motivated to lose weight? Would you like to learn how to lose weight and keep it off safely, naturally, and permanently? Discover life-saving health tips and how to create a personalized four-step weight loss plan that works for you.

Billions of dollars are spent on diet and weight loss products each year in the US and most don’t have the desired lasting results. In this episode, Walt Cross looks at why diets don’t work and shows how to make a systematic four-step weight loss plan that will help you lose weight and keep it off so you can reap the health benefits of being your optimal weight.

What are the root causes of obesity? How can they be addressed? What are the solutions to the roadblocks that prevent weight loss? What can you do if you’re predisposed to obesity? Can you safely lose weight if you have a health condition that’s caused you to be overweight? How can you deal with weight gain caused by prescription drugs?
Would you like to learn the keys to weight loss success? Did you know that simply shifting your eating schedule can affect your weight loss goals? Find out how to space your meals to maximize your body’s ability to burn calories. Does God have a prescription for permanent weight loss? What should you do if you fall? Discover the secrets that will help you achieve your weight loss objective and reach your overall health goals.

Bio of Walt Cross
Walt was in regular healthcare for twenty years before his failing health and traditional medicine left him with no hope for a long and healthy life. His diagnosis of ulcerative colitis led him to doctor after doctor. He was treated with many different medications to no avail. Finally, his gastroenterologist told him that they had tried everything possible, and his prognosis was dismal, at best. At this dark time in his life, Cross turned to natural medicine as a last resort. Within six months he was totally healed and moving in a new direction in healthcare.

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