The Unplugged Alpha: I stepped into the world of men @Entrepreneurs in Cars

3 years ago

I dared to become an intruder and I stepped into the world of men.
Little did I know, and so much I have imagined about what men *are*, how do they *think*, what do they focus on, and even more important *what hurts them* .

The video was meant to be about the book entirely,
"The Unplugged Alpha: The No Bullsh*t Guide To Winning With Women & Life"
by Richard Cooper, but that would add spoilers and would take away its power if you'd read it for yourself.

So I picked a handful of quotes and I combined them with the current state of the world and my experience.
I agreed and disagreed, but nevertheless it has given me a glimpse into the masculinity world, and would like to think that humbled my ignorance.
(perhaps it didn't if I have to mention it)

The day I recorded it was really hot and my brain wasn't too sharp, so there will be mistakes, and at times I go off topic, so I apologize for that.
Please, please, please speed up the video to save you some time. If you're a native you can easily 1.75x the video.

00:00 Intro
01:45 Ultimately men live in a difficult time...
04:26 The lies we're told
03:50 Society, culture, mainstream media... Hollywood is not real life
06:10 Men live in a 'Female First' Social Order
07:53 Narratives
10:04 Female Dominance & Male Submission
11:22 A side note
12:15 The coin flipped
16:10 We're all potentially Karen
17:19 We see the world how we are
18:50 Outro
20:15 Focus on Yourself

P.S. We're all aware of the Cancel Culture, so if your heart resonates with what I have to say, follow me on

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