We made #MeToo cheap drama

3 years ago

Before you hit the keyboard, please bear in mind that I never say, or said that injustice and crime don't exist.
HOWEVER, we've stripped away the power of words like "Grape, Ab*se, H*rt, Opre**ed" and the world doesn't take serious the people that TRULY experience these unfortunate circumstances.

If you really care, or would like to care for your fellows humans, men, women... whatever you'd like to call them, do them an immense favor and support them by giving them space, and not taking the attention from them, through social media drama.
If you're not sure if your unfortunate circumstances are equally bad, would be ideally good to ask yourself, and re-ask yourself:
"what is it the role you played when things happened to you"
"how is it that you could've avoided to be in those circumstances"
"is there anything that you did to lead to ..."
"how do you feel about the world after..."
Is it the WORLD's fault, YOUR fault, or ONE person's fault?

Please, kindly respect your life and the others' by being the courageous woman you know you can be.

Hope this made sense, if not, feel free to ask questions.
If all you have to say are accusatory statements, don't bother, you're not teaching me "the way", nor do I'd be made to consider your arguments if they're done in a childish way.
I never claim that what I have to say it's the ultimate truth, the aim is to understand each other, and help myself and others to navigate their life at the best potential, and that's not possible if we're dividing from each other.

Thank you for your time.

P.S. We're all aware of the Cancel Culture, so if your heart resonates with what I have to say, follow me on https://odysee.com/@HaelenHaagen

* If you're a new member would help me if you sign up from this link
* https://odysee.com/$/invite/@HaelenHaagen:5
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