Interview 192 with Robert M Deutsch

2 years ago

Robert M. Deutsch is a poet and author who dedicates himself to protect our planet. He feels its his duty to make people aware of how nature is being toxified. His doctrine advocates unconditional love, positive reasoning, goodness, peace, unity, integrity and awareness through oneness with all around us.
His subject is the heart, which he shows is the where all healing must start and where all drive for change must originate..Robert’s every poem represents a journey of human kinds spiritual ascent through our 3D world and the trials we all seem to ahre in common..
In his poems, he returns from this spiritual journey as a man who reached truth, and greater perfection, so as to love and to be one with the whole of creation, to all creatures without discrimination of races, believes and nations. Robert detests war and violence in any form. He invites us to peace, love, brotherhood and advices us to be oneness and never ever hate. To find pity he says is what breeds compassionately fueled change and maybe even forgiveness.
Everyone finds a bit of himself in his poems. He helps us to read ourselves, encourages us to explain our feelings. Robert is not only a great poet and author but first and foremost he is a spiritually touched man. His mind and heart reached for heights and depths of emotions that bind humanity as well as. His inner world is like endless universes, which could only be felt and seen with the eyes of the heart.
His telling way is unique. He implicitly explaines the most complex, the most profound and perplexing truths and emotions to the people. Robert’s way of telling his emotions is plain and simple, his simplicity virtually inimitable. That simplicity is not simpleness of thought but clarity of expression.
We loved his poems because his em touch many hearts. His emotions are so clearly and simply expressed, that they immediately captivate the reader with the lithe fluency in his lines. He is himself and he is a poet who is at one with nature and writes to make a better world for all life on our planet.
According to him, the only way to approach absolute being is through love. Every being, everything in the universes, all are but manifestations, reflections of Oneness. He believes in the power of words and in humanity. For him the cause of all existence is love. Love and the love of being oneness with the big oneness are the cause and purpose of life on Earth.
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