This documentary is eye-opening. It's encouraging. It's hopeful.

2 years ago

This documentary is eye-opening. It's encouraging. It's hopeful.

There are simple, proven and inexpensive cures for Covid-CCP. It is immensely treatable. But the truth is:
It is up to you to understand the science and advocate for yourself and your loved ones. You can NOT depend on your doctors to help you.
You will learn in this documentary the real science and how to protect your health. Many of our freedoms in America depend on you studying this information and acting on it.

Ultimately, we must educate ourselves and take responsibility for doing all we can to stay healthy, take vitamins, exercise, stay informed, and stand up for our rights.

we will do all we can to help you.

We ask that you watch so that you know the truth. And, as always, share the documentary with your family and friends.

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