What Is the Mark of the Beast and How to AVOID Getting It | Crime of All Ages

2 years ago

Who is the Antichrist power, and what is he up to? What is the mark of the beast? How can we avoid the mark of the beast? This episode reveals the behind-the-scenes activities of the Antichrist power: how he places himself in the temple of God, claims to be God with power even over the Almighty, and claims to have the capacity to alter even the precepts of Christ. In this presentation, the Bible and the Bible alone is used to expose the Antichrist's activities. This episode also includes a study on the mark of the beast and how to avoid it.

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Little Horn Power [2:47]
4th commandment [3:14]
Male and female [4:28]
Was God tired? [7:17]
God's plan with man [9:53]
Nuwach [10:19]
The Sabbath: A Sign [11:00]
Does the Beast have a mark? [14:24]
Understanding a seal [15:18]
Ten commandments seal [16:19]
Why seals are important [17:52]
How do we show God that we are willing to obey him? [21:52]
Parable [23:00]
God's promise for keeping the Sabbath [26:12]
Was the Sabbath only for the Jews? [27:19]
Hand/forehead [27:19]
Back to the Parable [31:01]
Purpose of the Sabbath [31:31]
Mark 2:27 [31:55]
Keeping the commandments [32:36]
Sunday Defined [33:07]
Saturday defined [34:19]
Seek to change times and laws [35:07]
Difference between God's mark and Beast's mark [36:49]
Roman decretal [38:07]
Which day is Sabbath according to Catholics? [39:51]
What is the Mark of the Beast? [40:51]
Satan attacks Sabbath [41:57]
Papacy changing Sabbath [42:03]
Council of Trent [44:08]
The Lord's Day [44:20]
Catholic Church on Sunday worship [45:35]
Do you have the Mark of the Beast? [48:29]
Why do Protestants keep Sunday? [49:01]
Alexandria origin of Pagan ideologies [52:29]
Catholicism on Sunday worship [53:05]
What the Bible says about tradition [53:39]
Roman Catholic Church's authority [54:45]
What happens when you ask churches why they keep Sunday [55:13]
Texts used to substantiate Sunday observance [56:31]
Did Jesus change the Sabbath law? [1:04:44]
Did the cross change the Sabbath? [1:06:38]
Three days of Crucifixion [1:07:14]
Can we be sure the seventh day is Sabbath? [1:07:38]
Has the original Sabbath been lost? [1:08:11]
Matthew 24:40 [1:11:15]
Colossians 2:16 [1:11:34]
Did the disciples change Sabbath? [1:15:38]

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