7 Most Giant Sea Creatures You've Ever SeenπŸ¦πŸ¦€ | Deep Sea Creatures | Thank you for watching!! 😍😍😍

2 years ago

What are the biggest creatures in the world? If you wanna find the true giants of this planet, you’ll need to head into the ocean. Without the force of gravity pulling them down, marine animals can reach unimaginable sizes.

- Giant Clams are the largest mollusks in the world. They can grow around 4 feet in length and weigh more than 440 pounds.
- The giant spider crab lives in the waters near Japan. Their legs reach about 11.5 feet from claw to claw and the body can be around 14.5 inches in diameter, which is pretty small compared to their long long limbs.
- The great white gets its name from its distinct white belly under its grey body. As for the β€œgreat” part, that’s simply because some of them can grow over 20 feet long! As for your average great white shark, it’s usually about 15 feet in length, making it the largest predatory fish in the world.
- The whale sharks are covered in white spots that have a unique design for each individual shark. The whale shark ranges in size from 18 to 32.8 feet and can weigh about 20.6 tons.
- The fin whale can get up to 85 feet long. That’s the length of two school buses! It can weigh up to 75 tons, which is about as much as a space shuttle!
- The lion’s mane jellyfish can get up to 120 feet long, putting the lion’s mane jellyfish among the ranks of the world’s longest animals and certainly the largest jellyfish species. It likes to float in the open ocean, where it feeds on zooplankton, small crustaceans, fish, and even other types of jellyfish.
- The blue whale is the largest animal this planet as ever seen, and it still swims the oceans today. They range from 82 feet to 105 feet in length and weigh up to a massive 200 tons.

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Deep Sea Creatures | Thank you for watching!! 😍😍😍

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