Difficulty With Home Services? How To Get Work Done as Landlord

3 years ago

Home services companies should be making a fortune right now. But they're not because they just simply don't show up. Sometimes, you have to take drastic measures when you need maintenance for your small farm, Homestead, or state.

SHOW NOTES: Are You Ready For Repairs And Maintainance To Keep Your Rental Properties In Good Repair? https://www.prosperityhomestead.org/difficulty-with-home-services-how-to-get-work-done-as-landlord/

If you have a small farm, homestead, or estate, you know how to get work done. It is hard at times. When vendors don't show up, this is what you've got to do if you want to get things done. Here's how to deal with vendor issues.

I'm painting a rental property, taking a break to share a few tips about real estate investments, and getting work done. A lack of suppliers is a massive problem today. It is made worse when you are making ready a property for tenants.

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These insights apply to any home services vendor, domestic staff, or household vendors. As a homeowner or landlord, work needs to be done timely to maintain home values. It gets expensive quickly when all the work falls back on you.

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