Steve Kirsch Interviews Josh Yoder About Vaccine-Damaged American Airlines Captain Bob Snow

2 years ago

Steve Kirsch writes:

Snow nearly died from the vaccine. Here's his story as told by Josh Yoder including how they know it was the vaccine.

American Airlines never called Snow in the hospital even though it was their fault he took the vaccine and almost died.

Yoder estimates that 30% of the pilots may need to be disqualified due to heart conditions caused by the vaccine. The airlines are NOT doing the screenings required to assess pilot health and passenger safety because doing those screenings would reveal how unsafe the vaccines are. Therefore, I predict they will simply pretend this never happened. If a plane goes down, it's OK because the insurance companies will pay and they will pretend it was just an accident.

So everyone will look the other way while these incidents continue.

I predict the mainstream press won't touch the story or interview Snow.

But I will :)

Original Video:

Background story:

My Interview With Josh Yoder About American Pilot Bob Snow's Cardiac Arrest After Landing
By Steve Kirsch
April 20, 2022

See Also:

American Airlines Captain Bob Snow Speaks Out About His Vaccine-Caused Heart Attack

Vaccinated Pilot Goes Into Cardiac Arrest - Freedom Flyers Expose MASSIVE Airline Cover-Up

U.S. Freedom Flyers


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