The 10 Days of Hajj | Does this look normal to you?! | Could this be our last opportunity? | Repent!

3 years ago
Words Of Allah | Sheikh Omar Baloch & EndGame | The Moon

Ultimately Allah is in full control.
Why would Allah shut the doors to His House?
You want hijrah success?
A great opportunity for our sins of the past year, and the year to come to be forgiven.
Especially before we descend into the inevitable darkness ahead.

The Ten Days of Thul Hijjah
- Hadith of its greatness
- What to do
- pLandemic
- Bogus abnormal distanced tawaaf
- Hijrah
- Qur'an reflection

Ilm Foundation
Birmingham, UK
Imam Abdul-Latif

Hijrah Naseehah, Marriage Naseehah and The Qur'aan Curriculum introduction session is on the YouTube channel along with the series on Surah Faatihah and the beginning sessions of Surah Baqarah.

Islam will win in the end.
Do not give up hope in changing ourselves to be part of this winning side.
Be strong, be firm, be sincere, be around people of emaan.
Seek repentance.

Manhood Under Attack - Imam Abdul-Latif
Manhood and The Lockdown with Imam Abdul-Latif


#10Days #Hajj #Tawaaf

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