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Yankee Arnold Interview
We hope you enjoy this in depth interview with pastor, teacher, evangelist and most of all a soul winner, Ralph "Yankee" Arnold.
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Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.
(Tom Cucuzza)
(Jim Scudder)
(Freddie Coile)
(Yankee Arnold)
00:00 Intro
02:30 Ministry
15:12 Youtube Channel
20:25 Calvinism
32:15 Georgia Roots
37:13 FBC
41:40 The Gospel
#interview #yankeearnold #soulwinning
well i'm here with the gospel driven man ralph yankee arnold himself how you doing today pastor
jesse i am doing fine for a person like me who've gone through what he has
just been on this side of the grave is a great opportunity to know and to serve the lord in a
greater way well let's let's talk about that you recently just had a pretty serious bout with coven
yeah it came up and kind of slapped me upside the head in january and i spent about two weeks in icu and then
a week in recovery and rehab and uh it was very close i was not sure
i would make it through but um yeah the lord blessed and it's quite an experience to go through
and to know that you have eternal life and going to heaven brought great peace you know that uh if i go or if i stay
i'm a winner either way yeah and so i had no worries whatsoever
i just left the decision in god's hand and he decided to let me stay just a little
longer well we're glad you're still here and i don't think a lot of people know this that you and i have a
we've we're we're good friends now i mean you're still my mentor 100 but you trained me and you came to
calvary community church where i pastor now back in 2009 i think i think 2009 yeah
and little by little you had needs in the ministry and you stepped forward
and i would like to just to share the opportunity that we had one day when we were let's see down at the vi
and i wanted to talk to you and kyla and so you all sit down there and i said well what can i do for you
kyla leaned forward and she simply said give him a job and you sunk underneath the table face
turned red green so bold i was just shocked she said that i was like hello but i thought about
that afterwards i thought well why not yeah and uh so thanks to your wife you
are now the pastor at calvary community church but you were faithful in doing a lot of good things
you stepped forward when i needed the youth director and the choir director and then i needed assistant pastor
because i knew that the time would come when i'd have to be stepping aside and doing some other things because
i had a few health issues and i didn't want to leave the church in a lurch with not having somebody
prepared yeah i mean the church had just gone through that dr lindstrom passed away true very unexpectedly that was a
wake-up call i think for the church and it should be the challenge of every pastor to
try to train somebody to take his place because we we're not here forever we're not and so
we're just passing through and influencing people's lives and so you responded very well and took the
bull by the horns and next thing you know here you are and you're doing a great job well i
appreciate it you were the first you were the first pastor that in my life i thought
you know pastors you know before i had met you and was under your leadership i always thought that pastors were very
exclusive like you got to be your best behavior around them i mean if you're going to show
somebody that you're really a dedicated christian it's how you behave in front of your pastor
but you were the first pastor that really took an interest in my growth and development you'd ask me questions like
where do you see yourself and you know you helped me understand how important it is to give the gospel
all the time and i was under dr lindstrom's teaching for a long time but when you had come you you really
when i introduced you in this interview as the gospel driven man i think that's the best way to describe you
well there's a book that was written by a gospel-driven man yeah and i i wrote the book because it's the
only thing that drives me yeah and a lot of people are experts on a lot of things
but they're not so winners yeah and i believe the most important thing is whatever the word of god means to you
and the holy spirit leadership it should do something that changes our lives and makes our life worth living yes and be
able to do something with the knowledge it's like sometimes kids go to bible college
and they said under teachers that know the word but don't live the word they don't do anything with it
if it doesn't do something for them why should it do something for me i'm just thankful that
i went to florida bible college in 1906 and set under
uh four great teachers that were examples of what they were teaching
yeah and i learned by watching them and so they made an impact upon my life
and my one main goal was i wanted to be copyable
yeah be down to earth and simple where people could do what i do yeah where it didn't look
like it was so hard and complicated but you have to have a four year degree to be a soul winner yeah you
can you can do that right off the bat and so i have just wanted to be a soul winner all my life and
now after i look back over these years i can see a lot of people that have trusted christ as savior amen because of
having that mindset to be a gospel-driven man and that's that's one of the things that
i like about a church i've always tried to look at it as like a hospital and you know uh
everybody can come that wants to come but you got to have well people on the staff
yeah and so whenever i'm preaching i'm like the doctor but spiritual doctor
i say take these two verses and see me next sunday and so i just go to the medicine cabinet
the word of god and find out where people are and what they need and try to meet that need and
so that helped guide me in many of the sermons that i preached and trying to meet people's needs
and if people didn't have a problem we wouldn't have a job so we're problem solvers yeah so we're
always trying to solve problems and that's one thing that i think god raised you up so you can
continue being a problem solver well i really i really think the way that
you handled the transition out of calvary community church and into your yankee arnold ministries uh evangelistic
work is really a good example for a lot of preachers out there because like you said
uh we're not getting any younger you you're 80 years old now
thanks for telling me no problem i didn't know that i think that's an encouragement to people because you know you've lived a long life and you still
have not strayed away you haven't come there hasn't been one thing to say you know it is works based and a true
believer will do x y and z you've just stayed true to the message what what keeps you
in line one of the things that's helped me i think for 62 years
of knowing the lord and wanting to serve him is that i've had the privilege
of colorado bible college and also tampa bay bible college and here the uh
florida bible college of tampa [Music] is that is teaching the book of galatians
and personal evangelism the one that gives you a backbone yeah to be the soul winner
you ought to be one teaches you on taking a strong stand for the truth of the gospel right
regardless of what anybody else says or does i don't owe them my allegiance
there's only one who died and paid for my sins and that was the lord jesus christ so i want to
honor him and to do that i want to be a faithful soul winner
all my life not just that i have days that i will maybe witness but i
i want it to be my life that's what i do wherever i go day or night seven days a week
i'm always in pursuit of the lost person yep and so that's why i like
uh teaching people how to win a person to christ because to me
that's the main purpose of the christian life if it's not for reaching people
what's the purpose of our life amen i can honor and praise the lord and sing and glorify him all that when i get to
heaven but there's no lost people in heaven they're all down here
and as it says in the book of judah making a difference and i want to make a difference
and so as we go through life we're influencing people's lives to do things for the lord
so i always try to say to the lord for the lord and about the lord yeah and that should be the purpose of my life
well you would always tell me uh i want you to do exactly what the lord is leading you to
do and that what you know some people will look at that and say well that's a very superficial statement but it's
for a young man to see somebody as as talented as you are when it comes to your speaking ability and your consistency with the
gospel message i began to think to myself what other thing would the lord want me to do than to be a soul winner
i mean and it filled my time i remember working at bank of america and in between calls i would be memorizing the
seven points of the gospel illustration because i knew that friday night i'm gonna have to go out and share that with
somebody and i want to be confident in what the scripture says well the thing about
serving the lord and having that as a goal of winning people to the lord
is one of the greatest motivating factors because we have two two great motivations and one is fear
the other one is love and because in second corinthians chapter five knowing therefore the tear of the
lord we persuade men yes so it is a responsibility that i have to try to
find out where a person is and how to persuade him from wherever they are
and get him to trust christ's savior and then the thing that motivates me should be
because the love that christ had for me he says
because of this love that we have and christ had for us
judging that whether not because he died for everyone then we which are alive should not
henceforth live unto themselves but unto him who died for them and rose again so i should live for the one who who
died for me and gave me eternal life and the thing that i'm thankful for is
right now is the ability to speak yeah about three years ago i had surgery on
my neck where they had to go in and fuse a couple of vertebrae together and
put a metal plate in there with some screws but they went through this way they went through this way moved those vocal cords around and they moved it
over and i didn't know that it was going to affect my speed but it did and then it left my right arm paralyzed
and i did not know that was going to happen none of us did but
but it slowly begins to take its toll and
then when i had coveted uh i did not know that i would live or die
but i told the lord when i was laying there in the hospital at the va
the first thing they asked me they're in the emergency room was are you willing to go on the ventilator
and i says no i'm not going on the ventilator i only stuck away some place where
i i die and nobody ever gets to see me i says if that gets that bad i just soon
go home and die with my wife because she also had covered and i wasn't even sure how she was doing
my brother was up there in georgia and he had covered the same time that i did and
he wasn't doing well either and yet we hadn't even been together and so they called me up and said
cheryl did and their daughter michelle and says yankee could you talk
to a little man and they were both in tears because his organs were shutting down and
he couldn't eat couldn't hold anything down and he was like a zombie
i tried to make him mad to get a response i told something funny that
he always laughed but he didn't this time he just looked like he was in a coma and he just stared
and it broke my heart and so i tried to get him done
eat and told him why he should do like david when david says i have learned how to
to fight to war i says when he says resist the devil anything the devil is for i'm against it
and if he wants me dead i i want to live and i want to live
because i have a purpose to live and a reason for living and i came home from the hospital and
february the 4th i got a call from my brother and he sung happy birthday to me on my
80th birthday when before he couldn't even talk yeah then on february the 9th i called him
and sung half birthday to him so he's finally improving and he's still paralyzed
but god lets us go through these things and like i've told the college kids
we sometimes think that when i dedicate my life to the lord then god's going to send me to this
country or this country this state this city and blah blah blah
well is there anything wrong with god saying i need somebody in china so you
go to china and i need somebody over here in russia you go to russia i need somebody in you know trinidad you
go to trinidad what if he says i need somebody to go to the er
can i look at it as a missionary trip and i need somebody and you know uh
i see you there's some nurses there that nobody'll ever get a chance to talk to can god send me there
or do i begin to question the will of god and the doors that he opens and he
opened the door for me to go into rehab but that's just part of my journey
no different than the time that i've gone to florida bible college in miami or going to colorado or going to georgia
wherever i go i believe that i can be used by the lord and i want people to have that in their
mind and think that way most people when they get in their 80s they think they're ready to well it's a downhill drag now yeah i
tell them i just i'm just hitting my prime i'm ready to do something now yeah i want to do as much as i possibly can
with the time god's left me and i don't believe he spared my life so that i can sit soaking sour
i want to go someplace and do something and cause either a revival or a revolt
something well i'll tell you this i'm talking about a revival or a revolt i mean your youtube channel
is is pretty impressive i'm looking at it here you've got 16 400 something subscribers
and you've also uh passed a million views twice you got 2.2
million views and some of your videos well at least one of them is over a quarter million i know that's
unreal so talk to me about the youtube channel like how well the way we got started on that was
because of a guy named jesse martinez oh yeah he's the one he came up with he came up
with the idea oh people are going to think i set you up right there about the youtube channel you're dead
but you you you came up with the idea because i didn't know anything about youtube we needed that we started we had a spaces
and we started putting some things up there and uh we thought man wouldn't be great if we ever get a hundred subscribers
and i don't know how long it took us six months to get 100 a long time yeah and then all of a sudden it just started
multiplying because what we had to teach people were hungry for yeah and they
responded and so now we've got like i said uh a couple million views already on our
channel and it's reaching people around the world uh we probably have five or ten
people a day that trust christ's savior who email him put it in the emails or
they put it on the comment section right that they're trusting christ's savior and not only that there's a lot of
people that are calvinist that are finally coming out of saying it makes so much sense to come out of that
that doctrine and uh that reformed theology that isn't
worth a quarter that's right and now they're seeing it and it's like a weight off of their shoulders and they're
beginning to enjoy knowing christ is saving knowing they have eternal life because it has nothing
to do with them doing works for salvation or to keep it or to prove it
and to see these lives changed is such a rewarding thing and i don't
have to wait till i get to heaven to hear somebody say thank you while i was in the hospital there were
thousands of people who commented that were thankful that i lived
and had preached the gospel and it had the youtube ministry and the radio ministry and people that had
responded because i shared the gospel and now that god has blessed me with a
maybe a little bit more time to live i want to accomplish as much as i possibly can and so that's why i'm thankful for
the radio ministry that we have and the youtube and the opportunity to travel and preach
and god has opened up some doors for me to still at my age to having a motor home it's old like i am
but it runs and i'm going to be speaking for you on the 24th of this month
and then as soon as the service is over motorhomes will be sitting out here and i'm pulling
out and i got a meeting there up in georgia and then i go into uh
tennessee and then north carolina and the minnesota and then
wisconsin in illinois and then ohio and then
all the way up here into buffalo uh new york and then a few more places and back down
into georgia and so the lord and then alabama and i just called the other day
so i'm glad glad that i can be able to to still
go because there's when you can help a preacher to see the clarity of the gospel
he can straighten out all of his people and if you just go into a church and just reach people
well that you leave them to that pastor who's not clear yes that's sorry i enjoy helping the pastor to see
the clarity of the gospel the truth of the gospel and there's been a number of preachers
that have gotten clear because they saw how i presented the gospel
and most of them they know the lord they love the lord they just didn't know there was a better way
of being able to do it and so sometimes we have to see something like how you tell kids about
camp you try to describe what it's like to go to camp what you've got to go to camp to see
what it's like the best way we describe ranch what you got to go to ranch to see what
ranch is really like a teenage bible study and so when you want to go to a good church you
can try to describe it and how the gospel is always good you need to go and see
because that gives you a vision and that's why we want to be copyable
so easy to understand easy to to follow and i think it's the greatest
thing in the world to know what you're living for and give it all you got
while you can and i think god will bless and open up doors yeah i agree
back to your youtube channel just to talk about that for another second here your top five videos
uh three of them deal with calvinism what if a man willfully sins after he is saved
uh then you have the clear gospel in four minutes which people are still sharing that even today you have the pre-trib rapture is right
in third place then you have calvinism destroyed with the parable and jesus versus john macarthur
what is so dangerous about the doctrine of calvinism well calvinism starts off with
a lie they can't believe that god in his sovereignty chose to give man a free will
they just can't believe that man has a free will and because of that
that would cause the man to have and to be able to make decisions contrary to what god wants and if he can
do that then he's not god isn't sovereign yeah that's not the truth and so because
of that then they teach things that the bible doesn't teach that man is so weak and so depraved that
he cannot even make a decision on his own that god has predetermined who's going to heaven and he's predetermined
who's going to hell so we're supposed to be so thankful that they have
enlightened us to the point where we don't know if god really does love us
and we really don't know if christ paid for our sins we really don't know if we do have a
choice because they wiped all of that away yeah and the reason i know that god loves me
is because i know that god loves you because if there's one person that god did not love how do i know that wasn't
me if there's one person he did not pay for their sins how do i know that person wasn't me yeah but when he says all
i know i'm included he said whosoever i know i'm i'm included
but see the calvinists don't believe the way they should
so they believe that jesus christ only died for the people that god has chosen to save
[Music] and so if that's the case
and i told a calvinist this one day i said if if you believe that
god has already chosen who's going to be saved and who's not going to be saved i says were you ever really lost
were you ever in danger of going to hell wow yeah i remember you told me about that and if you don't really know you're
going to the hell because god chose you to go to heaven
then it didn't matter but it contradicts the scripture that
says christ came into the world to seek and to save that which was lost if that's true he came to save everybody
but you but anyway i'd like to be able to look at my wife
or my children or my grandkids and say god loves you and i told a man one day i says
he had two little girls i says instead of shame you could not actually honestly look at
those two girls and say god loves you because you really don't know
you can't say that christ died on that cross and paid for all of your sins because you really don't know
i like being able to stand in the pulpit of going anywhere in the world and being able to honestly and sincerely tell
god loves you yes christ paid for your sins and all you have to do is believe he did it for you and he'll give eternal
life as a gift that's the best news in all the world and it's for everybody
yeah calvinism is definitely pervasive especially on youtube it's everywhere
and young young guys are eating it up i think the most dangerous part of calvinism outside of it doesn't lead us
assault to christ is the people who are clear and then they get caught up in calvinism they're not soul winners
anymore because now they can only focus on am i doing everything correctly to prove that i'm saved
why would you want a soul win how could you come up to somebody and say here's the greatest news in all the world
maybe and i don't know and you can't know but let's just be confused together
that's what's so wrong with the calvinistic teaching is it it's a fatalistic teaching
because it kills the will of the person to want to reach the lost
because why should i have to worry about them they're already going to heaven anyway or if they're already
going the hell they want to hell anyway how can i change that god really doesn't need me
and this is just a nice little game that he's playing because none of it's for real right it's
already been predetermined before the foundation of the world and we really are not free to make a choice
and so that's why i despise that teaching that's why i do not like the teaching of calvinism
and though i love the people that teach it i don't like what they teach
and i want every person that's a calvinist to trust christ's savior and really rest in what christ did for them
and not to believe that they have to persevere in the faith in order to try to prove they're saved
because without the works they put so much confidence in that then they have to doubt their salvation
yeah and i said if you ever have to look at your good works your life to prove that you're saved
the conclusion will be you're not because all of your works are his filthy
ranks and therefore you cannot trust in your works as the evidence that
you're really saved so a person that's a calvinist doesn't really know for sure if he's one that's
elected he has to wait till he dies to find out and that's a little late for as
i'm concerned well a lot of the you go to john mcarthur's channel john piper's ministry all those different things and
you look at their top videos and their questions like how do i know i'm chosen how do i know i'm a part of the elect
and you watch these videos and some of them are good short videos in length but it leaves the
the listener looking back to themselves and i look at the comments of those videos and i think i see so many people
saying i'm never going to doubt my salvation again because i've passed the test of i'm doing good enough but they
seem to forget that for all have fallen short of the glory of god okay so you're
you're doing as well as the glory of god yikes i don't know about that this is
why when they use the wrong translation that too
they get into something outside of the king james but when he makes a statement that whosoever is born of god does not commit
sin first john 3 9 because his seed remains in him and he cannot sin because he's born of god they say well if you're
a christian you're not going to practice sin well everybody i know is a professional
so whether they want to practice sin it says cannot commit sin and that word
there is power means you cannot commit one single act exactly that's the new birth
and that's just why they don't love the teaching of the christian can be a spiritual person or a carnal person
so they wipe out the carnal says you're either spiritual or you're not saved because if you're really saved you're
going to grow and mature in the lord and most people don't grow and mature in the lord
they should they should but doesn't mean that they will and there's a lot of difference in
that the author in hebrews 5 says that i want to teach you more but you have to relearn the basic things
at the times where you should be teachers you're not you're you're finding yourself lacking and that's what
i think is another really good part of your youtube channel because however often that you post
you're you're getting more clarity out there in a very very muddy muddy pool of water
well i thank the lord for a couple good people that work with me because without them doing so i wouldn't be able to keep
things going because i i can't put in the hours that i used to
but god gave me a good man and uh greg bissell and he
does all of my radio broadcasts he sits seven hours a day and
he listens to me all day he ought to get a an award for that or some kind of a degree a doctorate or something
because he listens to me more than anybody i know he knows how to be long-suffering but he does
but he makes the radio broadcast where i can put them on the youtube yeah i mean
of the radio broadcast in colorado here because you're still on in colorado and in tampa yes yeah and um
until somebody paid for it uh to be on there and appraisal for six or eight months in advance and gave me
the right to do it and i just thank the lord for it but if he didn't do that i wouldn't be able to be on that radio right and i get
a lot of response from people like space like even in colorado of people that listen to the radio broadcast i just had
great steer coming the other day and he says yankee i was preaching this one church they're in colorado and they had about
four or five thousand people there and he says i uh he said i sold about 1300 books that he
had written one called unlikely fighter that's his most recent one yeah and he says that this lady came up to him and
says you said yankee she said are you talking about yankee arnold he said yes i am and uh she says i
listen to him every day on the radio so greg had to call me up and tell me that and i i like hearing that
that people that are around they know the word yankee because i i happen to got the name before
i got my real name so yankee arnold is sufficient and i just go with it because
even my my kids sometimes i think they call me that especially my wife and all my my brother and my sisters my mom
and uh i think it's kind of unique that i had a very unique
upbringing when i stop and think of my parents my daddy been a bootlegger
a rebel in georgia my mama was a rebel born in georgia and the first two girls born in georgia
they were rebels but he was on the run from the law because he spent a lot of time in chain gaining
and running from the lawn and so he was up in pennsylvania i was born and when i was born i had long straight
black hair all over my body and my daddy says i look like a little monkey so i was the ugliest kid ever
seen in his life so he's gonna put me in a burlap sack and throw him in the river and drown me and uh
people say well you're joking no everything i'm telling is the truth and uh the doctor came to the house and
looked at me looked at my daddy and says my my my he looks just like his daddy don't he and my daddy cuss and he called
me a blankety blank yank and that's how i got my nickname yankee yeah and i asked my mama one time i
probably i guess maybe 30 years old and my sister's and i was all over my
mama's house and i asked my mama says mama i says well i really that ugly
and she says no you weren't that ugly [Laughter]
and so i just let it drop i didn't know really ask anymore go any further than that
but um it's amazing that god can take a little
georgia boy and a little hillbilly and use him for yeah the greatest message in all the
world god says he has not chosen the the greats not the big shots yeah he chosen the base things
of the world and he can't get in the wise and so i think a lot of people are still confounded it you know you
know it's always interesting to me like you know going back to what you said about you're just a little little boy from georgia you know i mean no not born
into any kind of royalty or or anything that the world would say is impressive but you're reaching
i mean i would hundreds of thousands of people with a youtube channel and then also too
like it's just it is amazing to me how the people who come out against you when they write
articles or they write comments or they make videos i mean they're starting to do the same thing for me too they spend
so much time uh time trying to attack something trying to attack an individual yet they have no concern for your soul
none they they don't care if you go to hell or go to heaven because they got to work on themselves
well i look at it as a in 80 years 80 years
i've only had one person ever witness to me wow only one person and that was my father-in-law
who won me to the lord almost 62 years ago and that i have been in a lot of different countries i've
been almost every state in america and all these churches i've got nobody has ever tried to win me to christ
just think how important if the greatest thing a man can ever do in his life
is to trust christ's savior then the greatest thing anybody can ever do
is to tell somebody how to go to heaven that's right and so i realized that i can live for a lot of
things i think god's given me enough smarts that i could be successful in just about
anything i really wanted to do because most times it just takes a lot of drive and initiative and effort and
so forth and commitments and and you can do it you can be a success
but i only get to live one time i want to live for the most exciting
most important dynamic thing in all the world so i used to tell the kids college kids
don't be bored serve the lord and i have not yet found in all these years
anything that surpasses the importance of serving god and walking with the lord
and winning people to christ telling people how to go to heaven yeah it's the most important thing in all the world
and so that's what i'm still after and when i told the lord that they laying in the hospital
it was almost like i had got to the pearly gates the lord opened the door
and i says lord do you want me to come in or you want me to stay on this side he said well i got hank lindstrom up
here and he's got everything under control so you can just stay down here a little bit longer i said well if you want me to i'll go
ahead and stay here but i told the lord i said lord i don't want to stay here and waste my time
i don't want to waste my life i don't want to be like hezekiah you gave him 15 years and he blew it
i want to use whatever you give me and so therefore i'm not for slowing down i'm for doing more as much as i can
the day will come when i won't be able to go and i know that but until then i just want to try to
challenge guys to serve the lord and i got you know
i got some preacher boys out there different places and uh and i think that
god raised you up for such a time because i didn't i didn't make you
you you responded i wished everybody would respond correctly
i wish everybody would fall in love with the lord yeah i said people's problems that they have in life
is just that they don't love the lord they love themselves or they love the present world
they're the circumstances that they've fallen in love with everything else yeah and they've lost their love for the lord
and if you can learn to love the lord everything else falls into place that's right even you study the ten
commandments the first four is about loving god and the rest of the six is about loving
man called if you love god right you can love man right the problems in our world right now is
the lack of love when sin abounds love waxes cold
and because of that that's why we see so much sin in the world because people don't know how to love yeah well
god is love and they don't want god they don't want love because he tells you how to love and
real love does away with greed and trying to be the authority in
everything and get everything and people don't want to give that up no they'd rather god see
how much can i get out of this life for themselves and he says naked you came and naked
you're going to return yeah and so i think the greatest thing of all is
know christ is your savior love the lord yeah and everything god if you love the
lord right you'll love your wife right the lord write your love your kids right it's the basis of the lord your love
it's it's the basis everything so but people get wrapped up and that's the that's the sad thing and i'm i'm
glad you're still involved with florida bible college at tampa you're still the president i mean you're teaching 24 hours a day
because you're online and you're you've taught personally evangelism
galatians uh cult evangelism daniel in revelation what do you think about the college like
what would i'm sure there's people watching who are thinking i want to get a better education what would you say if
somebody wants to serve the lord you can learn a lot of things on your own
but it can take the rest of your life to get it i am thankful that i took four years out
of my life and went to florida baba college in 1964 and i graduated 1968
but while i was there i learned how to learn i learned
how to learn and when i did that that saved me
years of frustration of not knowing how to find god's will for my life
because many people want the will of god for the life but they don't know how to find it
how long shall a young man cleanse his way by taking heed according to thy word
the engines of thy word giveth light thy word is the lamp unto my feet in other words it shows you how to walk
where to walk how to live and it's the will of god to know the
word of god so that you can know the will of god so it's the will of god to know the word
of god so you can know the will of god so you can do the will of god and god wants this for us
and so if a person wants to serve the lord it'll save you a lot of time
if you learn from those who are doing what you want to do yeah if a man wants to be a good carpenter
learn from a good carpenter you want to be a lawyer learn from a lawyer you want to be a doctor learn from doctors one be
a soul winner learn from a soul winner i am a soul winner i wanted to talk about i am a soul
winner not that i used to be i still am and because i am i can teach people how
to do what i do and if they want to learn how to be a soul winner take my personal evangelism
class that we have online yeah and if they go to
and online classes they can take them from anywhere in the world anywhere in the world and and it's all at your own pace
too that's one of the great benefits they can take it anytime they want at their own pace and uh
but that'd be the best thing and if you wanted to be in person then we still got some great teachers
here and we do not have a resident calvinist or resident armenian no they do not teach
in our school yeah if you're not clear on the gospel you don't teach here yeah and so
if you can then you can talk to a guy named bob gilbert dr bob gilbert on my youtube
channel on every one of my channels will say there's seymour
and you can click it on and it'll give you a whole list of the college information
about gilbert information the registrar and the store and tracks and you name it
it's all right there on every one of my uh videos videos
well as we're wrapping up here what do you think that would be
good for people to pray about for you in the next coming months well i got a schedule
but i know that it's um always temporary the lord could change it at any time
and i always leave it free in his hands i have an idea of what i'm going to do and where i'm going to go and even in
some cases what i'm going to preach but i want people to pray
for safety on the highway and i want to pray
for my health to stay good so that i can keep driving and keep going
and i want a lot of fruit i don't want to just do it i want
fruit whether we're believers or the lost people for people to trust
christ as savior amen and one of the things that i like for people to understand and i say
this often if i'm talking to somebody and even at church i'll do it
isn't it true that you've heard almost all your life that jesus christ out on the cross and paid for all the sins of the world and
most people say yeah i've heard that i said think about that if he paid for all the sins of the world
why should you or i have to go to hell and pay for our sins if he already paid
for our sins so jesus christ he paid for our sins but why did he do
that he did it because he didn't want us to do it so he came back from the dead
said the only thing he wanted me to do or you to do is believe that he did it for us
so god says if you'll believe that he did it for you he'll put that payment to your account so i've got a payment for all of my sins
and you can't know you're going there heaven until you know you can't go there
to hell and the reason that i can't go to hell today is because i don't have any sins to pay
for christ paid for my sins reason i can't go to hell in the future they paid for those too
he did it all 2 000 years ago and all i had to do was believe he did
it for me and when you believe it it gives you eternal life as a free gift and you can know that you're going to heaven
you see that message is so clear and it's so
simple most preachers don't know how to explain it they got to have them come down to the
front tell them to stop something or join something they don't know and understand
by grace are you saved through faith that not of yourself is the gift of god not of works lest any man should boast
and jesse i have enjoyed our little talk together
well thank you and god bless buddy god bless you too it's been the gospel driven man yankee arnold
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