Man on the Moon by REM ~ Andy Kaufman Showed us the Lie that is Organized Society

2 years ago

Man on the Moon is another Brilliant track from REM that begs the listener to take a closer inspection to the things that they have been forced-fed to beLIEve their entire lives...

The song, lyrics written by Michael Stipe, was ostensibly, a tribute to Andy Kaufman, and of course it was, yet, just like Andy Kaufman's Comedic career, there was a Higher purpose behind all the things that both this song, and Andy Kaufman did...and at the Heart of this song, and the goal of Andy Kaufman's genius, was to PUSH others to begin to question the Reality they found themselves living within...because as most anyone would agree to, THINGS SIMPLY DON'T ADD UP...

And in this song and Video, both orchestrated by Michael Stipe, look at the things that Michael Stipe brings attention to...a cheap model of our Spinning, Wobbling Solar system, Andy Kaufman bringing attention to Professional Wrestling, Elvis Presley, Movies, TV, Cartoons, etc, Mott the Hoople and the Glam Rock era, Divide and Conquer Games of Violence, Organized Religion and their 'Control' over Heaven, the Bible being an Allegory, Newtonian Physics, Darwin's gall to question the Natural Order of God's Creation, and of course, putting a Man on the Moon...

The line, "Mr. Fred Blassie in a Breakfast Mess...", was a reference to the movie Andy Kaufman starred in with Professional Wrestling Manager, "Classy Freddie Blassie", My Breakfast with Blassie...the film was a parody of the brilliant movie, My Dinner with Andre. And what was My Dinner with Andre about? Two friends in the THEATRE, who are Light years apart Spiritually, speaking to the fact that the world has become nothing more than a Prison for our Minds, where we have been taught to be at ease with our incarceration, as it exists within ourselves...

Every single reference within both the Song and this Video, Michael Stipe went out of his way to give CLUES as to his mindset, such as the flimsiness of the Solar system model used near the beginning of the video, or shaking his head when he sang about the Board games we were coerced into playing, or how we got to the Diner (another tribute to My Dinner with Andre), Stipe showed how the common man and womb man, championed questioning their sad and restricted realities, and connected to anyone who was speaking Truth...

And finally, listen to the song...there is a profound Sadness to it that is epitomized with the Gospel-like humming during the Verses; but the changes that connect the Verses to the "Chorus" are uplifting and Hopeful, as Stipe questions the NASA claim to have landed a Man on the Moon, and then states to the listener, that if you don't believe that there is nothing up "his" sleeve, then nothing is cool (just as the video shows doctored images of the Moon)...throughout Stipe's outside journey in the Video, there is lightening flashing, the supposed "real" video of the Astronot bounding up and down on the moon, is followed by a short clip of the first Hollywood movie ever made, Man in the Moon, which showed how traveling to the Moon could be faked thru Video techniques...when speaking about Newton, Stipe wrote, "Newton got BEANED by the Apple Good, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah...", meaning that the Density of the Apple falling tried to knock some sense into Newton's Theory of Gravity, which obfuscates the Perfect Simplicity of Density and Buoyancy for complex Mathematical nuances that Dazzle and Confuse the Mind...

Throughout both this Song and this Video, Michael Stipe lays endless clues to any listener with the Eye to See, that we are being LIED to, and remember this, Michael Stipe was best-friends with the John Galted, River Phoenix, singing a song about the John Galted, Andy Kaufman, which was turned into the Movie, by the same name, that featured the White-Hat actor, Jim Carrey, who spoofed the John Galted King of Rock and Roll, Elvis Presley...

And the use, by Stipe, of the "yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah's" during the Verses of the song, relate to Jesus Christ, whom Stipe wrote a lot about, during his career as Lyricist for REM...Jesus Christ QUESTIONED the state of His reality on Earth, and found it a LIE...and this is why Jesus Christ came like a whirlwind of Truth to Jerusalem, to bring back the LIGHT OF TRUTH, into which had become Canaanite Darkness...

I rest my case...

So, Sit back, Relax, and Enjoy this masterpiece to the glory of God's Creation, and please remember friends that Colleen and I take care of 73 Animals here at our Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for our precious Family, we would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending us your Intentions of Love, of Strength and of can send a monetary donation to:

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