Why I Started A YouTube Channel For Outdoor Gear in 2022

2 years ago

Why did I start this YouTube channel in 2022? Located between coasts in the middle of the country, and we are bringing you insights on outdoor gear from top brands as well as companies we wish we would have never stumbled upon! We want to bring you the best camping gear, the best hiking gear, and the best reviews we can! We depend on our equipment and so should you, so let's dive deeper into the industry and the products that drive it. Should you buy it, or go right on by it? We will give you our opinion on just that! NoCoast Outfitters will also give you great ideas on where to go in the lower 48, as well as tips and tricks to get you there. We will feature live camps from places around Nebraska like Fort Robinson State Park, Lake McConaughy and Chadron State Park, as well as beautiful spots in Wyoming, South Dakota, Colorado and other states YOU should be visiting. Please let us know if there are any camping, hiking or fishing products you would like to see us review and we will do our best to fit them in, and hey, give us a like and subscribe, It really goes a long way to help a new channel out. Thanks again!

Check Out Dan Becker's channel! Best advice for new campers and hikers PERIOD! Pillows! https://www.youtube.com/c/DanBecker

Plant Trees! Check out the Arbor Day Foundation and donate. We need trees! https://www.arborday.org

In Nebraska please support the Nebraska Game and Parks! https://ngpc-home.ne.gov/

Thank you for your support.backpackingthe outdoor gear review

lets start something great! #nocoastexplorers

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