April 20, 2022

2 years ago

Did you know the Pfizer v@cc!ne for Kids 5 – 11 Fails the FDA Standard for 50% Efficacy?

Based on a small study, the CDC said after just under two months…

The j@b was only 31% effective at preventing symptomatic and asymptomatic disease in 5- to 11-year-olds.

But how effective was the v@cc!ne at four or six months?

And how long until we are in negative efficacy territory?

FIND OUT FOR FREE HERE: https://www.ro20trk.com/W1DX2D/PS824/

What are the media going to look at as they try to get out a story quickly?

We cannot leave the fate of our children's wellbeing in the hands of profit-motivated entities.

To start getting your health advice from real experts without an agenda…

And to stay prepared with the most sensible advice to keep you and your family safe…

Go here to claim your Seat for C0VlD Revealed Documentary now entirely for free: https://www.ro20trk.com/W1DX2D/PS824/

They’re targeting children with something that has no evidence of working.

What they’ve done up until now has already been disgusting…

But when they start coming after our kids?

Serious action needs to be taken.

Is all this really being done for “your safety?” Join us here to prepare for what's next: https://www.ro20trk.com/W1DX2D/PS824/

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