Why I'll Never Fly Commercial Again Unless I Get Proof the Pilot's Were Never Vaccinated.

2 years ago

There is coming a time when a non-vaccinated person is going to be seen as a "pure" human - no corruption of their DNA, not possible side effect like heart attack and DEATH.

Pilots are a special class of qualifed people. Their skill set is worthless if they die while flying, putting all passengers lives in danger.

Why would I take the chance that the pilot of the plane I'm flying on might have a heart attack in flight and put my life in jeapardy?

The track record of the bio-weapon jab is becoming more and more evident - you are at extreme risk if you've had the jab and especially if you've had additional boosters - you are in a high risk class of people now - the vaccinated.

The airlines, in rushing to have their pilots vaccinated have done a grave injustice to the flying public, but more importantly a huge injustice to their employees, especially the pilots. By forcing their employees to be jabbed, and using the threat of financial destruction by firing those who did not comply, they essentially stripped away their employee's choice of saying no and should be held accountable for that action via prosecution.

There are some who may and probably will argue these forced vaccinations fall under the Nuremberg laws of "Directives for Human Experimentation" as the jab is certainly going to go down in history as the greatest human experimentation in the history of mankind - the evidence is piling up everywhere (just review any the video's in my Rumble channel).

Justice may be coming to those employers who forced their employees to get the vaccination. Time will tell.

Source of video Stew Peters telegram forward. https://t.me/stewpeters

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