A really good Final Fantasy game!

3 years ago

FF4 The After Years 3D Version.

Main reason. When you get to the end, you can control whatever party you want

You can grind with them, get stuff you need and just have a blast. I love this game. I will occationally play this to get more stuff. But i will upload at best video called.

Final Fantasy 4 The After Years, Bahamut and Final Boss. But this is type of game that is fun to grind or play when bored. Its really great!

I dont think FF3 and FF4 3D remakes.. .atleast the ports were good. It just didnt work. I would stick to Pixel Remaster because it has original graphics. But After Years i think works both in 3D and 2D. It just is awesome the way its done here. Fast effecient gameplay. Cool to just level up with the whole party and all. Good time!

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